Letter 10

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This letter, I searched for for a long time. I, like Ulfric and Rikke, waited and waited for each letter for days. I found it after I returned from Fort Neugrad, in Ulfric's room:

Dear Rikke,

We can have one night together. Soon, before I have to prepare for my next battle with you. Meet me outside of the second farm outside of Windhelm on Morndas. We can have our one night together, then go back to being enemies. I just need one night with you, one night of no responsibility, no pressure, just me and you. Meet me there, Rikke. Please.


That was when I finally accepted that Ulfric would never love anyone as he loved Rikke and that I would just have to move on.

Secret Letters between Jarl Ufric Stormcloak & Legate Rikke [A Skyrim Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now