Letter 12

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That Morndas, Ulfric went to Windhelm to further plan the war. He returned two nights later to give us the plan to attack Fort Sungard. In the mean time, Ulfric wrote this letter:

Dear Rikke,

Our night together was beyond words. But, alas, it had to end. And back to war. I just wish to see it's end, the elves out of my home and life back to the way it should be. But I also don't want the war to end because that would mean your execution. And I do not look forward to that. But it is either you or I. And I must be here to help lead the Stormcloaks after the war also. So, I guess I'm tired of the war but also not wanting it to end. But I'll see you in Solitude, Rikke.


I delivered his message to Rikke on my way to Fort Sungard, the urge to throttle her massive.

Secret Letters between Jarl Ufric Stormcloak & Legate Rikke [A Skyrim Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now