Cat's Parents

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Cat's Pov

ever since Christmas me and Dei have been a couple i guess. we were outside taking a walk when i heard someone screaming my name, i turned to see people i never wanted to see again, my parents!

"Cat! Cat! Cat come over here now!" my mother was screaming i was about to turn and run when i felt a hand on my shoulder, my father's, he looked pissed off. Dei looked confused i never told anyone my past so he has no idea what's going on

"Cat you are in so much trouble young lady! running away from home what's wrong with you! the house is a mess because your not there to clean it up! now your coming with us!" he said as he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards my mother.

"hey wait a minute let Cat go!" Dei said as he pulled me from my father's grip. My father looked upset but didn't do anything

"she ran away from home and now we're taking her home!" my mother said joining us

"No! i don't wanna go back! i'm not your maid! i already have a home with people who care about me and don't just use me! like you two! i hate you and i'm never going back!" i screamed, i grabbed Dei's arm and ran towards the house *please don't let them be following us!* i silently prayed they just walked off while we ran, i didn't work. the second i opened the door i heard their voices i turned and saw they were at the gate and were coming in fast.

"Dei come on! i don't wanna go back!" i said pulling him inside and locking the door behind us, i can't go back i just can't

Cat what's going on! who were those people!?" he said holding my arm so i couldn't run away

"those are my parents, i ran away from home because they were treating me like a maid and a slave since i was 13 i hate them!" he looked concerned but he hugged me

"don't worry you won't go back if you don't want to" he said comforting me

"come on we should tell the others so they don't let them in or anything"  i nodded and we went

Time skip-a

we've told everyone about my parents and stuff they understand some were really upset about but they got over it(three guesses who) its been a few hours since the incident with m parents they haven't tried anything yet but i wouldn't put it paste them to go over the edge. it was about 5 when we heard sirens from outside we looked out to see the police were parked outside with my  parents. They called the cops!

"knock knock its the police open up"

we looked at each other horrified, Serinah looked at me and motioned for me to hide i did, serinah got the door

"um hello? something wrong?"

"yes there is, is a Cat living here?"

"um the animal or a person"


"um no"

"are you sure about that mam? do you mind if we have a look around"

"no but i'm telling you no Cat lives here, why would there"

"we got a call of a runaway was seen here and the parents wanted her back" i stiffened they really did call the police!

"no Cat lives here but think one of my tenants has a friend named Cat"

"may we speak with them"

"their not here at the moment they left on vacation a few days ago"

"when will they return?"

"i don't know"

"can you call when they do return"

"sure" they kept on looking around until they gave up and went back outside i saw my parents pissed off faces from my hiding spot and Serinah smirking like the devil. Thank god serinah's such a good liar! I don't think my parents are gonna come back after this failure.

yay Cat wins! parents lose!

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