Chapter 2 Waking Up Next to Mikey Way.

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I stormed down the back alleys of L.A.  Burbank to be exact. The night surrounding me. Its darkness and loneliness made me feel worse. I was on my way to my end. I was tired of living. I was angry at the douche that just got caught cheating on me. After a year of being together, he finally cheated on me. Why are all guys’ douches? It’s really hard to find a good guy.  I stayed in a hotel because I’m from New Jersey originally and I came to California to visit him. I spent almost a thousand dollars today on my dress, hair, nails and shoes. And when I get to his condo and he is sleeping with his maid. I snarled curses at him silently killing him in my mind, over and over again.  I marched myself down the alley while tears flowing down my face. I’ve been hurt really badly this time, last time I knew he wasn’t happy but this time he put on a show, making himself look happy so he could play with my heart. I rubbed my sore eyes. My high heels tapping the cement as I approached the hotel. The lights and noises became louder and brighter as I entered the fancy hotel. Its lobby was huge and open. It was a very nice place to stay. I enjoyed it. It had a very nice pool. And a gym. I went to the spa this morning, that’s where I herd some punk band, was staying here. I didn’t care though. My mind was in a tail spin. My heels were louder on this floor than it was outside. It was definitely cooler inside than outside. I stormed past people keeping my head down, so I wouldn’t attract any unwanted attention.  I let no small whimpers escape me not even a sob. The next thing I know I spun around with a slight pain in my shoulder. I put my hand on my shoulder to mask the pain.  I gazed up to see I had bumped into a man. His greenish brown eyes sparkled at me. A small smile formed on his lips as I rubbed away the sensation in my shoulder.

“Sorry.” I apologized shooting my gaze back at the ground. He stepped toward me curiously. I backed up slowly.

“It’s okay, are you okay Miss?” He asked nicely. His voice wrapped around me like silk ribbons gently caressing my body in a sea of softness and smoothness. I turned slightly. I nodded at him as I began to walk to the elevators. I couldn’t help but notice he was following me. I was lucky there was an elevator waiting. I boarded as did he. I stood in the back shyly.

“What floor?” He asked. I glanced up at him. He had emo style hair but it was really short, like he got a buzz cut. It looked black with hints of brown in it. I couldn’t tell what colour it was naturally because he covered his head with his hood. I stood there in the back all shribbled up in myself.

“Top floor.” I managed to choke out. He smiled at me, nodded and pushed the highest button. The building was almost thirty stories high. This will take a while. He stood beside me. I happened to notice him look me up and down. A bigger smile grew on his face.

“I like your dress.” He complimented. I felt good for a slight moment as he looked at the lavender summer dress that uncovered most of my chest and my back. Its V shaped neck lining made me look younger than I actually am. Its thin straps added to that. It came to just above my knees. I smiled at him.

“Thank you.” I whispered. He turned to look at me, his hands in his pant pockets. The doors opened up to the top floor. I waltzed out swiftly and headed to the doors to the roof. I waited a moment before I opened the doors to the roof so that guy can leave me alone. He went to the other side. I herd footsteps walking away from me. I sighed heavily. My fingers wrapped around the door knob, I turned it and pulled open. A cool breeze swept my dress behind me, same with my light blonde hair. I felt some tears drip from my eyes as I met my fate. This was it, the end of me. I carefully stepped up the stairs. I opened the other door that led to the roof. I thought for a moment before leaping to my death. The cool breeze intensified as I made my way to the edge. I gasped as I looked around the city’s spot light. All of its wonder and glory.  I stood on the edge of the hotel’s roof nervously. I toke a small breathe as I gazed down at the city below me. It was noisy and bright. My bare feet curved the edge as I tossed my shoes to the side. I herd to roof’s door slam closed. It made me jump a bit. I whimpered through fear of falling. I regained my balance.  I turned slightly to see that guy standing there, wide eyed. He was nervous, hands out in front of him trying to calm me down. I just stood there letting the cool breeze sweep my dress around like a rage doll. Same as my hair. I let it down when I was walking back here. It whipped around. The guy was slowly stepping closer.

“Miss, don’t jump.” He ordered cautiously, his voice was shaky and fearful. I looked at him wanting to do as he said.  I shook my head as tears flowed down my face sadly.

“I can’t do that.” I warned. I lifted a foot over the edge to make sure he got the message. He jumped closer nervously. I sighed fearfully. I gazed down at the car below and cried.

“What’s your name?” He called his voice still shaky and fearful. I looked back at him confusedly.

“My name is Frank Iero.” He introduced. I pulled my eye brows together confusedly. He was Italian. I smiled at that fact.

“Italian!” I called at him. He smiled at me brightly. He had a nice smile.

“Yeah!” He yelled. I don’t know why but my family’s motto came to mind. He was a nice boy. He was Italian. Just like everyone else in my family. I felt a rumble crash through me. I felt rain pelt my bare skin harder and harder. A loud crash and a flash across the sky made me jump. I screamed as I was hanging there by my hands. I was holding on. I could barely hear his voice yell for me. I hung onto the building with all I had. I saw his hand reach out for me. I couldn’t. I was too weak. I was getting weighed down by this rain. My hands were slowly slipping, as if taunting me. Hanging my life in front of me. As if saying ‘You want it? Well you can’t have it’ I snarled at this fate and reached out for his hand. I felt his wet flesh, firmly gripping to mine. He used both of his hands; as did I. I dangled my life in his hands.

“Don’t let me die here!” I called fearfully. The shriek echoed. I felt terrified and I wished I hadn’t done this. Frank looked down at me. He finally was able to pull me up onto the roof.

“Don’t worry, I’m not.” He finally said lying on his back. I herd his breathing. He was panting heavily. I crawled towards him. His hazel eyes shimmering up at me as the rain pelted his skin. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I shrieked in a joyful way. I felt him pat my arm.

“Don’t mention it.” He choked. He sat up, the rain soaking us. I gazed into his beautiful eyes. I breathed heavily. I pulled away slightly from his body. He looked at each other for a long moment. I leaned forward, putting my hand on the back of his head. Our lips met and the thunder and lightening flashed across the sky as if it was meant to be. I’ve kissed guys before but nothing like this. He enjoyed it. I opened my mouth slightly to catch some air. I felt his tongue press against my bottom lip as if asking for access, I granted him access. Before I knew it his hands moved from his side to my waist. They moved up slightly. One hand on my back and the other on the back of my head. I had a lock of his hair in my hand loosely. This wasn’t just a pitty kiss, it meant something. It was amazing! Period end of discussion.

I was snapped awake by some one I was laying on. His soft pail skin cold under my warm cheek. His breathing steady and slow. I lifted my head and gazed at him through my bangs. Frank? I moved them to reveal the mystery man. Mikey. I jumped out of bed, yanking the blanket with me. I slept with Mikey? What? I thought I was with Frank. Or was that a dream? It felt so real, I mean everything was perfect and then I wake up next to Mikey, naked. How did this happen? So many questions, too few answers. I know dreams are what the heart desires most, so I desire Frank but I'm wth Mikey. Mikey looked rather pleased with himself. He toke out a cigarette and lit it up. I'm a smoker but for some reason I felt disgusted by this.

"Can we get that coffee now?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and gathered my things, I walked into the bath room. He trailed behind. I slammed the door in his face and locked it. Just in case.

"Come on Ari! Don't be like that." He said. I knew he was drunk or at least hung over. I got dresses and opened the door and faced him. He smiled happily then toke a drag off the cigarette. I narrowed my gaze at him and wore an unimpresses expression.

"Mikey, this did NOT happen." I hissed at him harshly. Mikey tried to pull me close to him. I pushed him away. He threw his hands up and his smile let out a evil giggle.

"Fine this will be our dirty little secret." 

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