Chapter 12: For All The Dirty Looks

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LynZ, Joey. Krista and I became really good friends. Joey's little sister Sarah, who is the sweetest person on earth by the way have been pondering something behind my back. I already know what it is. It's a 'surprise' baby shower. Ray slipped the secret one night. I'm really excited for it and so I'm letting them have their fun. From the sounds of it, it's going to be amazing. I can't wait. Any ways Frank's mom, best mom in the world by the way, has sent Frank and I to a photoshoot. She wants pictures of us. I know Frank hates it but there going to be still shots. I was dressed in a black tee shirt and a black long skirt. It covered all of my legs. Frank wore almost the same thing except he wore black jeans instead of a skirt. It would've made my day seeing him in a skirt. Anyways I was treated like royality. I got my hair and make up done. I felt like a fucking princess.

We were positioned in a very nice mannor. Frank behind me, his hands on my every growing belly. I am so sure this picture is going to be in black and white. I don't care. Frank's mom knows about this too. And she says as long as I treat her Frankie right, she's a Grandma to them. Okay I was tempted to write 'BEST MOTHER EVER' on her forehead when she visited L.A. Well she's still here. She's just gone shopping with the friend she brought. Donna, Gerard and Mikey's mother. How sweet. Anyways the photoshoot went execptionally well and now it was time for some Ari, Frank one on one time. He was taking me out for lunch. Once again, an amazing man I'm with. I sat in the front seat happily chatting away with my man of my dreams. I felt odd today, not in a good way or bad. It's just a different feeling. Frank noticed, his expression worrysom.

"Hun, try and get some rest, it's a fourty five minute drive." He said in a soothing way. I nodded and tilted my head back slightly. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I drifted really easily. It was the strangest dream. Very odd indeed. I was laying there in the hospital bed, in quit alot of pain as a matter of fact. I had people around me, Frank on my right and Mikey on my left. I was in the delivery position. Legs back, both of them held one leg back and watched in amazment. I was having a baby. That was odd. I was told to push and I barely did a thing and the next thing I know there is two little babies, wrapped up in pink blankets. Frank had one and Mikey had one. They both were Goo-Goo eyed at them. It was so amazing. This dream was very different. Frank was smiling down at the little girl while Mikey just soaked in the serreal feeling. Is this how my babies are going to be born? If so, I'm having a hundred kids. Painless and quick. Just the way I like it. Oddly enough I knew which little girl was which. Frank had Cherry and Mikey had Lily. This is a moment every mother dreams of. It's so amazing. Frank looked down at me and smiled widely.

"You did so good honey." Frank said then kissed my forehead. I blushed slightly and smiled.

"Yeah, you did super." Mikey added to the compliment. Knowing Mikey was amazed and happy to be a dad made me wonder how long until Mikey and Joey have some brown eyed mohawk babies running around with little bass guitars. I felt Frank place little Cherry in my arms, her small body didn't take up much space but she was the wiggling type. I loved the feeling of having a baby in my arms. Frank toke the baby from my arms and kissed my forehead again.

"You get some rest, sweets." He whispered. I nodded and settled down into my bed. I quickly fell asleep. I was expecting to wake up and be in the car but I didn't. I woke up and I was . . . .

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