Chapter 2

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Marshall's pov :- [

I flew her to my place and unlocked the door for her and opened it. I was shocked she was here, I though I was gonna get rejected like all the other princes. She picked out her favorite movie "Paranormal activity 3" and put it in before sitting on what she expected was gonna be a hard couch. "Marshie did you get a new couch for me" she asked cutely.

"Yeah I got tired of holding you when you get scared and you always complaining about it" I said jokingly. "That wasn't the truth at all, it was the fact Casey wouldn't stop complaining and she has been moody" i thought to myself. She rolled her eyes and the movie started after I sat beside her. As much as she had watched that movie she would always get scared at certain parts which was absolutely adorable. She ended up in my arms most the movie which I didn't mind.

3rd pov

Their movie had ended and Fionna was cuddled close to Marshall who was smirking and had an arm wrapped round her. The movie hasn't really scarred her all she wanted to really do was cuddle him. Which she got till the movie ended and he unwrapped his arm and she hesitantly moved away from his cold body. Being around over a thousand years made it easy to read people's emotions. He upped her back and she could help but giggle.

"Little bunny don't you just wanna stay here, I mean here with me" he asked flicking his tung at her. It lightly grazed her nose making her turn bright red along with him a deep purple.

"I-I do, but Cake? She's gonna worry about me and stuff. She's always assuming that since I'm 17 I'm always doing tier 15. She never even told me what it was, she just assumes someone told me" Fionna said with a light sigh all the sudden Marshall's face grew a darker shade of purple. She looked at him with cutest most irresistible look he had seen and coming from her it made it twice as bad. "Marsie will you explain it to me please" she asked and he sighed. He explained it and she looked more confused as ever because she was. "I'm confused marshie can you explain agin please" she asked and he explained again in more detail. This time she understood and it was obvious by the look on her face. Fionna didn't look disgusted, but shocked. "People actually do that?"

"Yes Fi, but wait till you are with someone who your certain you wanna be with forever, it's best to wait till your married." He said and she couldn't help to lightly frown. "Why so down Fi?" He asked seeing her sadness.

"What if I never get married or the guy doesn't return my feeling and leaves me. Ill die alone," she said trying not to cry. She was already madly in love, she was in love with Marshall. She thought it was like forbidden to have a vampire and a human together. She didn't want anyone else she wanted Marshall ever since they were handcuffed together.

FLASHBACK (she is 13 almost 14)

"Hey bunny you wanna go prank your kitty?" Marshall asked and fionna rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a bunny, but sure" she said and they played a few casual pranks on her. Cake wasn't to fond of being wet so when she ended up getting soaked that pushed the line. She handcuffed the two together.

"You guys can get out in twenty-four hours, I hope you two get tired of each other so I never have to see HIM again" Cake said harshly.

"You guys live in MY house so I could alway kick you out and leave the bunny. Or I could just do this" he said grazing Fionna's kneck with his fangs, she didn't tense up, but giggled. Cake walked away and Fionna realized she. Had feelings for him, but decided to keep them a secret afraid people would say he's a "Pedo" which he wouldn't mind. He had liked her since day one just he didn't wanna admit it.


"Any guy would be stupid not to love you Fi, your absolutely perfect. Your fun, adventuress, tough, your outgoing, you're the prettiest girt I have ever met and I'm 1,026 years old. On top it you don't pretend to be anyone your not. Fi your only you and if someone doesn't love you back then he needs to see a doctor because something's not right." He said trying not to blush, but was failing. She basically tackle hugged him and then they ended on the floor, her on top.

"Thank you Marshall" she said sweetly in his ear before getting up. He floated around her unsure what to say. She looked at the time and jumped up. "I gotta go, if Cake beats me home I'm never gonna be able to see you again." Fionna said lightly frowning.

"Ok Fi see you later" he said and she left.

Authors note: I'm gonna try to post a chapter a day I decided. If I don't I apologize, but I warn you now I'm not one for writers block so I might post more then one depending on how many comments and votes. I might add a song in the next one... Maybe.

the beginning of forever (a Fiolee story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ