welcome to high school

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prestons pov

today was the day that we have to go to our new school and new grade. i cant imagine how much well be picked on now.

i got out of bed and grabed a green shirt and blue jean shorts and got dressed. i brushed out my hair and then grabed the girls a green sparkly tanktop and blue jean skirt and then woke them up and left the room.

i went downstairs to the kitchen and found harry making eggs and pancakes. i grabed a few and sat down. the girls came down and ate and then went to brush their teeth. i followed and brushed mine. we all went back to our room and grabed our dance bag and backpack. i put my iphone in my pocket and we ran downstairs.

Niall droped us off at school, gave us a kiss and told us to be good; along with a good luck.

we went in and to the office and got our scedule and locker numbers and then went to find our lockers. as we walked to them, we got lots of dirty looks and a couple people pushed us.

we put our things away and walked to the autitorum for dance class.

the teacher stood at the door waiting for the students and when she saw us she stopped us.

"may i help you three?" she asked.

we nodded.

"is this dance class" we asked in unison. she nodded.

"yes it is, how can i help" she asked.

"uh were in this class" paris said.

she looked puzzeled.

"this is a high school class. i think your schedule is wrong" she said.

"no our schedules not wrong"

"we are child protages"

"and weve been put into the ninth grade and this class"

we said finishing off eachothers sentances.

"oh, yes. im ms. roberts and im the dance teacher and who might you be?" she asked.




she nodded and told us to follow her.

we walked into a large auditorium with a stage and chairs and there was other high schoolers.

she walked up to the front of the stage with us behind her.

"ok class, we have some new students!" she said loudly and excitedly.

"ok intruduce yourselves and something about you" she said to us.

"ok im london horan and im the youngest out of us and im a professional dancer!"

"im preston horan and im the oldest. im ten years old and im also a professional dancer and i love to play the guitar and piano!"

"im paris horan and im the youngest. were from mulligar ireland and i am also a dancer but i also sing along with preston"

someone raised their hand and ms. roberts called on him.

"yes michael?" she questioned.

"uh did he just say that they are ten?" michael asked. we nodded.

"we are child protages so we got tested and we passed. fourth, fifth, six, seventh and eighth grade" i said. someone else raised their hand and ms. roberts called on her.

"can we see you dance?" she questioned.

"sure!" paris said.

we went to the dressing room and changed and then came back out.

"what dance?" london questioned.

"uh do you know the acro partner dance me and paris do?" i asked.


"ok, so we can just add you in on the stunts and just follow us along with the steps" paris said. she nodded and we walked out onto the stage and took our starting place.

paris and london twirled around me and then droped into a split. i did a handstand inbetween them and they grabed my legs and brought them in a split. i kicked down and helped them up and then grabed paris and threw her up into a handstand on my head and then london took paris leg and then did a handstand off her leg.

i carefully went into a stratle and they fliped down.

i got into a backbend and then london did one on me and then paris did a handstand split on top of us. she front fliped off of us and started a repearted twirl and then london did a front walkover and started a repeated turn and i did the same. after about eight we all did front ariels and then a side leap of the stage.

we walked back on and stood next to ms. roberts. her eyes were so wide and the others kids were so quiet.

then they started clapping.

"that was beautiful. i think we found our new acrobats in this class!" ms. roberts said excitedly. for the rest of class the other kids joined us and we all did a group dance in which me, london and paris had to do handstand and ariels and back and front walkovers. we changed and went to our next class which was language arts in which we introduced ourselves and got called adorable by the girls and they kept asking us to talk because of our accents and then we had to do a report about our family. we were all quite uncomfortable about but we did anyway.

im suprised that nobody realised that we are niall horans little brother and sisters. i mean weve been on millions of interviews with them.

after language arts was chorus and then math.

in chorus we had to show our skills in which we sung a trio of 'a thousand years'.

in math we did some basic algebra which was way to easy in my opnion and the girls thought the same.

after school Niall took us home and we had ice cream with the guys as a congrats. then we all jumped into the inside pool and jucuzie.

i love my family and im happy its back together and i hope it stays that way and nobody gets in the way.

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