i wanna go home

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prestons pov

we have been on tour for about nine months now and we go home on friday which is in two days. london ended up getting motion sick so she had to take medicane the whole rest of the time we have been here. oh and guess what...still wearing these diapers!! i hate them..they are so stupid and annoying. but niall said we have to wear them till we stop and well we havent stoped. same thing everynight and now randomly during the day. we are ten for petes sake and we are wearing a diaper! i just wanna not wear them and more then anything i wanna go home! i want my bed and my house and my room and all the things that we have there. i miss my home, but more than anything i want niall. he is always gone now...at interviews and signings and concerts. i just want him home so that me and the girls can cuddle with him. all i want is him home....or on the bus. all me and the girls have been doing is opening the concerts and then waiting for hours for them to finish them. i just wanna go home and lay in bed with the girls and niall. i wanna go home... i sat in a split on the floor as these thoughts ran threw my mind. theres no place like home. even in ireland i know longer felt at home. i know longer felt safe in my birth home. because my dad ruined it. he took home away from me. and i will never forgive him and i will never forget. i lost my little sister for two whole years because we thought he killed her. i hope that man rots in jail and i hope he rots good! and i dont feel guitly saying that...not one bit. niall left a year after mom died and when he left...dad changed. he wasnt the same person. he hurt us. tourtured us for six years! six whole years. started at four ended at ten. we were in that stupid foster home for five months before niall came. i know i cant blame niall for everything and i never will...never. i just wish things were normal. a loving mom and dad, a loving older brother that is there all the time and three happy smiling kids. ones that didnt have to force a smile on their face. ones that are actually happy. thats how its suposed to be. not like this...not like this at all. but thats what happened and i guess we just have to live with it; being as there is nothing we can do about it...we have to live with.

i was pulled out of my thoughts by someone pulling me up into their arms and against their chest. i looked up and saw niall holding ne and two red headed little girls stareing at me intently. i rested my head on nialls shoulder and just let out a sob along with tears. i started crying into his chest, while they just looked at me sadly.

"ginger whats wrong?" niall asked. normally i would smile at the nick name but i just kept crying.

"i wanna go home daddy...i wanna go home!" i cried. he nodded and rocked me in his arms. he rubed my curls and whispered soothing words into my ear. i slowly calmed down as he rubed my back. the girls just kept stareing at me. this wasnt normal for them. the only time they see me cry is when im in pain. them seeing me cry did not happen often, seeing as i always stayed strong for them. niall got me to finally calm down and then he just held me to his chest and i layed my head on his shoulder.

"we can go home soon baby, soon" niall said softly. i nodded and hugged onto his neck tightly. he walked over to the couch and set down with me on his lap. the girls climbed up and sat next to me, each giving me a look that said 'who are you and where is our brother'? which would be a goid question that i have no answer too. i dont know what happened. first the crying and then the calling him daddy. i dont know whats gotten into me. i feel so babyish. but niall doesnt mind. i snuggeled into his chest more and closed my eyes only to have them opened seconds later due to the fact that i was being jerked up and draged out if the room to a door. they opened the door and then closed us behind it. i saw paris and london standing infront of me with their arms crossed over their chest.

"whats up with you?" london questioned.

"you never cry. theres is more to it than just wanting to go home" paris added. i nodded.

"than what is it?" they questioned.

i sighed.

"i just want niall and i wanna be in my own bed and a real house. i just want to lay down with you and niall without him having to leave every five seconds. i just want niall!" i shouted at them and then ran out of the room and into nialls arms. i started to cry again as he rocked me.

"hey, hey...babe whats wrong?" he asked. he rubed my back as i snuggeled into his chest.

"i want you, i want you daddy!" i said as i cried into his shirt.

"shh shh hey im right here, im right here. its okay. shh its okay" he soothed. he hugged me closer to his chest and rubed my curls. i unwraped from him and got down to go say sorry to the girls. i found then sitting on the bed next to zayn and liam. i hugged them.

"im sorry for yelling at you i just want to go home and i just want niall" i appoligized. they kissed my check and hugged back.

"its ok ginger!" london joked mockingly. i tickeled her.

"right back at you!" i shouted playfully at her as i tickeled her.

"ahh stop. paris, niall, zayn, liam, someone save me" she shouted out inbetween laughs and giggles. they ran into the room and saw me ticklying her.

"i shall save you baby curls!" harry shouted as he grabed london and then niall grabed me and he started ticklying me.

"ahh no daddy stop!" i said. he smiled and stoped ticklying me while the other guys eyes widdened.

"did he just say daddy?" louis questioned. me and niall nodded.

they just shrugged. niall covered my eyes and i felt us walking for a while and then stoped and then started and then stoped and then started again and after a while i felt myself being seated down on nialls lap. he took his hands off my eyes and i adjusted to the lighting and i say green and clovers. and my dresser and bed.

"welcome home buddy!" niall said excitedly. i looked around and then turned and gave him a hug. we sat hugging for a while and then i looked at him with teary eyes.

"please dont leave" i stated quietly. he looked puzzeled by my statement but nodded and hugged me tight.

"i wont baby" he said in responce. he set me on my bed and then grabed some pjs and a fresh diaper and helped me get changed. he set me in my bed under the covers and climbed in after and he snuggeled up to me.

"i love you preston"

"i love you more daddy" and with those words we both fell asleep cuddeled up together.

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