Chapter 10

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Breakfast had always been my favorite meal of the day. Every type of food you could have for breakfast I loved. It was sweet, crisp, welcoming, and alive. It was all so awakening and bright. The fruits, the toast, the mouthwatering tastes. They all seemed just perfect to me.

"So, have you decided what you want yet?" Adam asked from beside me, the table was full sitting the four sitting down comfortably. All of us were comfortable. Not to close. At his words the entire table's focus was brought to me. Two other sets of eyes, bore into me one green and one a mysterious looking dark brown.

Only briefly had I been introduced to them and unlike Adam, one seemed overly welcome and another extremely unwelcoming. They just looked like the type to judge, and being eyed by two boys wasn't helping. I was, after all, a teenage girl who was normally quiet and shy around the opposite gender, especially football players or popular kids.

Alice, the green-eyed, over welcoming girl was the one to speak next after realizing I wasn't going to sign (or say) anything. "Well, I most definitely recommend the waffle ice cream with fresh strawberries." She said brightly, wearing a large grin upon her face. Her perfectly straight teeth sparkled, her eyes twinkling brightly.

Adam bit his lip to hide his laughter, as the darker boy beside her rolled his eyes making a mocking gesture. His name was Jake and I wasn't beginning to like him very much. In the truck Adam had warned me about him and insisted that he was just 'hard to get open with' but I just found him rude. However, something about what Adam had told me sounded truthful. I don't think he was lying.

Jake was tan and his eyes and hair were both a dark deep brown. Upon his left ear was a small sparkle, as it had been pierced and where his shirt was slightly dipped I could make out the faint tip of a tattoo. In no way was I per say scared of him, but it was safe to say I was intimidated.

Catching Jake's actions, the blonde's eyes went wide before eying him in a childish glare. Surprisingly her hand went forward smacking his bicep harshly. A slap echoed off but Jake didn't even seem to flinch. He just waved her off with a roll of his eyes as his main attention settled on me. "Get the pancakes, chocolate chips in them with strawberries." Was all he said before he let his eyes drift back away from me.

The fact the male's attention wasn't focused on me let my body relax ever so slightly and absentmindedly I slanted myself closer to Adam causing him to let out a small chuckle, only loud enough for me to hear. "Just get whatever." He assured me, even though my instinct was telling me to get what Jake suggested. It did sound good in the end.

'Actually, what Jake suggested sounds alright.' I signed in the end, giving a small shrug as my own eyes drifted on the male sitting across from us. Beside me I heard Adam let out a small sigh as he shook his head, an amused smile dancing across his face.

Jake himself let out a small chuckle, his dark brown gems now focused on the tips of his well shaped nails. A smirk slipped formed on his lips, his posture poor as he slouched in the seat, his feet crossed and set out underneath the table.

"Damn right." I heard the male say sarcastically, looking over at Alice knowingly his eyebrows raising. I watched confused as she let out a puff of hair her head turning to glare at the wall rather than him. It was easy to say and mean it that they acted like family, like a brother and sister arguing.

His words make Adam roll his eyes annoyed, apparently Jake was acting worse than normal because even Adam was annoyed. Something told me that he didn't like being annoyed, either. He wouldn't keep him around if he didn't particularly like him.

"Jake knock it off, shithead." Adam said with a sense of determination in his voice. It surprised me to say the very least. I'd never heard him swear but as the words slipped off his tongue I couldn't help but smile. Apparently sweet Adam wasn't so innocent. Not like I expected him to be. He was a football player. I know that didn't mean anything for sure but captain of the football team, social bee, and cute wasn't going to be perfect and proper.

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