Chapter 12

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I know, I know. This update is wayyyy overdo. It's just the summer got busy. At the time the summer seemed like a great time to stay updated. It would have been if it weren't for all the family trips. Don't worry, though. This school year I will attempt to keep priorities straight. Please note the attempt in that phrase. Not all thirteen year olds fantasize about writing. Even I don't fantasize of taking time off of my vacation to finish a chapter. It's something I enjoy to relax myself, to let me live in a world where I make the ending. Where the future is known.

I know I don't deserve your reads, and I know I don't deserve your votes. I really do love the writing industry, though, and especially wattpad. This is a place where I can be me and it doesn't matter. I love you all :)

Also, I wish those people (like me) good luck with back to school. I head back Thursday but I do know that people are already attending. Just know that in the end it will all be worth it. Education always is. At least I try to remind myself that. -Sara xoxo


Chapter 12:

It was loud as I stepped off of Jake's motorcycle. The wind slapped my bare face like a sting making it numb and red as we began walking towards the crowded football fields. Evidently, and most obviously, the game had begun with the players huddled in a mass. I couldn't help but bite my lip seeing Adam.

Unlike the other players, his fellow teammates around him, he looked confident. Sure and positive that they would win. I was beginning to understand that that was how Adam worked. He always acted so sure of himself.

I wasn't staring any longer, though, as Jake pushed through more crowds leaving me a clear pathway to walk in. Almost hopeless Jake let out a groan. People were everywhere. "First damn playoff game my ass..." I heard him mutter his eyes rolling in a circular motion.

His statement was thought over in my mind, the taste of blood filling my mouth. I hadn't realized I'd even been biting my lip. It was just that the entire reason I was here was because Adam knew this was a big game. A thought occurred that he actually wanted me. Not just because of an idiotic game but because he actually wanted my support.

We found a seat at one of the bleachers the long, cold metal bench chilling me even more. Jake mumbled something I didn't hear over the sound of the surrounding people and sighed loudly. Nonetheless, we sat watching as the players took their lineup.

From where we sat they looked like small ants getting ready for war. All over a single scrap of food. The football. The synonym was amusing making me smile to myself and Jake give me a sideways glance. I just ignored it, though.

His number stood out greatly, the white showing on the dark green jersey. Thirty-eight. It was like a sore thumb in the mass as the orders were shouted by none other than Adam himself. With a few more commands the ball was off sending players hurdling, tumbling and ball flying. She winced slightly, Jake looking down and chuckling. "You're really something, Ave." He said with an amused tone to his voice.

Meanwhile he looked rather bored, not as intrigued by the game as I was. I hadn't taken him to be a football fan anyways. That didn't stop me from smiling, though. It wasn't until quarter through the game did I really notice Adam's glances. As if he was looking in the crowd.

Jake looked at him knowingly letting a small laugh pass his pink stained lips. The scoreboard flashed red marking the score. Bears were ahead by two but judging by the other team, they didn't look impressed. They looked like they could easy fumble them being twice their size.

I never realized who he was looking for until he sat on the bench for break. He looked exhausted as he took off his helmet. Once smooth and soft strands of brown hair now was covered in sweat of not only exhaustion but of heat too. The gear was heavy in the end.

Nudging me to follow Jake stood, a reusable gatorade bottle in hand. Following after him I resisted the urge to bite my lip. I knew he was going to give the bottle to Adam before we even reached the bench, much to his coach's dislike. His face softened when he set on my smaller figure, though.

"Here, man." Jake sighed, causing Adam to give him a lopsided grin. His breath was still short coming out in small pants as his gaze turned to me. If that way possible his eyes brightened, bringing the water up to his lips quickly.

"You got little bear to come!" He teased, a small smirk directed towards me. I wanted to make a smart response but I bit my tongue, too smart to bite my lip again. He really knew how to frustrate me.

His posture was slouched on the bench, his fellow teammates in the same condition as him as they drank trying to regain as much more energy as possible. "Make sure she gets something to eat, Jake." Adam said pointedly, making me feel slightly awkward. As if I were a small child needed to be taken care of.

In a way I was like a little child, too afraid to say what I wanted to say and too naive to realize what it was doing to not only the people I liked but myself as well. The words didn't bother me, though, they made my stomach flutter. Flushed and nervous around him.

Adam ignored Jake's annoyed look, turning to face me. "Stay out of trouble, little bear." He spoke making his coach give me a sideways glance with his eyebrows raised. That fact alone made her blush, the white haired man turning to face the three of them. Where Alice was that night a mystery to Ava.

"Do we have ourselves a new girl, Adam?" He questioned making him smile, "-I happen to like her nickname." Coach added making Adam laugh softly with a small nod. I stood there awkwardly, Jake standing with his arms crossed watching the game somehow interested now.

I couldn't help but let the small blush rise to my cheeks, too flushed to do or sign much else. Mine was much less noticeable than Adam's though. His was a bright red, making the small freckles in his face disappear. It felt as if I was the one who noticed the small dots anyways. All people seemed to notice was the shape of his jaw, firm and sharp feautures along with his dark chestnut brown locks.

This time I was the one to smirk at him, discreetly sticking my tongue out at him childishly. Adam rolled his eyes. It amused me even more so. For once he was the one left embarrassed. It made me even more confident in herself.

"No, coach." Adam replied after a moment chuckling sheepishly, the adult gave him a look but let it slide. His eyes focused back on the players and I watched as he cursed to himself realizing he had missed a play. Taking that as a sign they should leave, Adam tilted his head to the side a gesture for Jake and I to leave.

Nodding I took hold of Jake's wrist, making him snap out of the gaze he was in. Jake tended to get that look to him often, a look of distance, as if he were in a different world. I had to admit that I did feel that way sometimes. So out of it. As if I were in another world. Where things never went wrong. Where life was flawless and perfect and you loved everyone while everyone loved you.

It wasn't reality.

Yet, ever since the world had changed and the facts became more evident I seemed to have paused from doing such things. "Come on." I urged gently, him nodding and giving one playful hit upside the head (or more so helmet) as we walked back towards the stands where we once more resumed to the seat in the stands.

It reminded me of the carnivals that we'd go to, the crowds surrounding me making the time my father and I had went coming to mind. The thick mobs of people, surrounding us both, my father's hand holding mine tightly. At first I had been embarrassed but then I came to realize how thankful I was for it tossed around so often by the sweaty people.

Never before had I been so eager to leave somewhere.

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