Chapter 1:voices

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I will not write a POV because it will always be in Nico's unless I say otherwise. Also, all the characters belong to Rick Riordan. I only own the plot.



You know that moment where you know your life sucks. That moment that you're debating living at all. That moment where you've had enough.

Well, that was this moment. I've been dealing with these monsters all my life, all the laughing teasing, bullying. Normally that would be only about 14 years, and I know to mortals, that may sound crazy. But I've been living with it for over 80 years. And no, I'm not an old grandpa, my 80 year old soul is in a 14 year old's body.

So there I stand on the edge of the Argo II, the wind was whipping through my tangles and unkempt hair, the wind blew harder as the voices got louder.

Freak, just slit your wrists already

Loser, no-one likes you

Faggot, you're not normal.

Just die already.

Why don't you just jump no one would notice.

I closed my eyes. They were right, no one would care if I was gone, like they said, I'm not normal. I took another step, letting my hands of the rail and out beside me. This was it, I could finally be happy. I took one last breath before falling. I felt weightless, I felt free. The fall felt like forever until I finally plunged into the water below ending my life as I know it. I felt a smile grow on my face as my heart stopped and the world around me faded into black. 


I woke up with twelve concerned Gods staring down at me. 

"Am I dead yet?" I asked

"No, fortunately, not yet" Apollo said

"Damn" I muttered, under my breath.

"What did you say?" My father Hades asked.

"Um...I said Thanks... Yeah, that's what I said" I replied hearing the uncertainty in my voice the Gods replied.

"Hmm, well that's okay I guess" Poseidon said. I sat up squinting my eyes and wincing at the pounding headache, damn, it's back again.

"You need to eat more, you're too unhealthy" Apollo said.

"Yeah, and it doesn't do much for your complexion. You're too pale, its a shame really. You used to have a nice olive toned skin." Aphroditie said.

"I'm fine; where am I?"I said.

"You're in my underwater palace" Poseidon said

"Right, and what am I doing here?" I questioned.

"We were on our way to have a meeting in Poseidon's palace, since someone, decided to destroy Olympus." Zeus said directly at Ares.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault" Ares replied.

"Anyway, as I was saying we were on our way to Poseidon's palace to have a meeting, we were just entering until we saw you float down past the window, Poseidon brought you inside. He put you down on the table when Apollo said your heart had stopped, he was frantic until we bought you back to life, and of course, Hades was in firmed of this issue, I mean, you've been asleep for 19 and a half hours, even though Apollo sped the process up. My eyes widened

Voices (a Nico Di Angelo fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now