Chapter 2: Ignore

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Okay another chapter for you. There's more POV  in this chapter than the last.

Disclaimer: Rich Riordan owns all these characters I only own the plot.


I washed up all the cuts and stood up but as I did I felt the world around me spin as my eyes fluttered to a close. Suddenly, I dropped to the ground, feeling numb all over as my world faded into black.

I woke up with four angry people staring down at me. Frank stood at the end on the right hand side with his hands crossed, scowling. Next to him stood Jason, he had his hands down by his sides scrunched up in a ball and his eyes radiated anger. Next to Jason stood Percy who stood like Jason except he looked a lot more relaxed about it. At the other end on the left stood Annabeth who, unlike the others, was more worried than angry.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up.

"What happened! What happened! You should know what happened, you've been ignoring us for the past 50 minuets." Frank said angrily. His face grew even redder if that was even possible.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked tentatively.

"We were meant to have a meeting about an hour ago. The alarms went of so I don't know how you could have missed it. But anyway we were all there, except you so naturally, we just assumed you were late or something. We waited for 10 minuets expecting you to come but when you didn't we decided to come find you. We were calling your name and looking everywhere for ages. We finally found you in here on the floor ignoring us. Do you know how rude that is." Percy said, he was a lot less relaxed than he would normally be. I looked down embarrassed.

"We were worried about you Nico" Annnabeth said.

"Pfft, worried, more like annoyed" Jason retorted angrily. Suddenly, they appeared.

See, they don't like you, how many times do I have to say. You're just a waste of space. 



I hate you, you're father hates you, everyone hates you.

The voices got worse and the shadows took form of all my 'friends'. My headache got worse and I could hear the voices getting louder, pounding against my head. The world was spinning again. I stood up ignoring all the glares coming from everyone. I stumbled out the door and on to deck holding my aching head in my hands.

The darkness consumed me as I fell to my knees screaming in pain.

Annabeth's POV

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The alarms that Leo fitted in were glowing green. That meant it was time for a meeting. I put all my blueprints down and walked to the meeting. When I got there I found everyone sitting at the table except Nico. 

I sat down on Percy's lap and asked: "Where's Nico?" 

"I don't know maybe he's just late" Piper said a bit bitterly. That was unlike her, she was usually really nice. Maybe something happened between her and Nico that I didn't know about.

"Yeah, but we can's start the meeting without him so let's just wait" Hazel said, sighing. I ould tell she was still  a bit upset by earlier.

*time skip to 10 minuets later*

"Where is he? Right that's it. I'm not waiting not longer I have things to fix" Leo said annoyed. Well, seems like everyone's pissed off at Nico today, weird. 

We split up to look for Nico. Me, Percy, Jason and Frank looked in the right wing and Hazel, Piper and Leo looked in the left wing.

All four of us were calling his name trying to find him but with no luck. Finally, after what seemed like hours of searching Jason called out.

Voices (a Nico Di Angelo fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora