Chapter 5: Where darkness was raised

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Hey guys, I am going to make it so Jason doesn't know about Nico's first crush on Percy yet. Thanks, here is a longer chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy! 


A few hours had passed with me and Hazel in deep conversation. I thought it would be like that forever until the alarms went off, a signal of dinner. I sighed, I suddenly felt it dawn on me. I couldn't eat, if I did I would get fat, even more fatter than I already was. I don't know when it started but food never really seemed appetizing to me, not even the Italian ice creams when we were little. I was always the one who couldn't finish. 

I followed Hazel in, everyone was there waiting. They smiled at Hazel. Not at me. I could feel their hate and loathing from here. As we sat down I heard Leo mutter under his breath. 

"Glad you finally decided to show up this time. Too bad, I preferred it when you were gone." I must have been the only one to hear him because no-one seemed fazed by it. Either that or no one cared. Probably the last one.

"Anyway guys, I wanted to talk about strategies" Annabeth broke the silence. The only noise you could hear was Percy munching his food happily. 

"Of course you do wise girl" Percy said a mouth full of food. My mind kept wandering off to different topics.

"Anyway, I found this clue. Me and Pipes couldn't work it out so we wanted to share it with you guys 

You think you know me you're wrong.

You think you can defeat me you're wrong.

To defeat you enemy you have to know your enemy.

How can you know your enemy when you don't even know yourselves.

Here's a clue, go to the place where light will shine.

Where the sun will set and the moon will rise.

Where the rivers will to you amaze.

Go to the place darkness was raised." Annabeth finished. There was silence.

"Well I think that's quite obvious. I honestly don't know how you couldn't figure that out. And you're supposed to be the smart one." Percy said, a glint in his eyes. At that comment Annabeth sighed rather loudly and rolled her eyes.

"Well we got the part about knowing ourselves, it obviously means go to a place to get to know someone. But who, that's the question?" she replied sassily. Guess she's picking up on Percy.

"Well let's think, light will shine so that's some place hot or sunny." Jason said.

"Some place with amazing rivers and and a glowing moon, so not some where like Alaska" Frank said shivering at the thought.

"It also says that we don't know ourselves and that someone was raised there so maybe its a birth place of someone here." Hazel said glancing at me. I could tell everyone was thinking but I couldn't bear to join in the conversation. Not because I couldn't understand but because I knew exactly what it meant. 

"Me. It means me" I said. I couldn't take the silence any more. Everyone looked at me questioningly. I carried on ignoring my mistake in speech. "Well, it is obvious. I mean where the darkness was raised. I am the darkest person here in your minds so it might as well be me. And you don't know me so" I trailed off.

"Yeah, but you don't look like you are from a hot place." Percy said. Annabeth kicked his foot. 

"Rude" she said, a stern look on her face.

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