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Hello! This is my first ever written fanfiction and it is for the trilogy known as 'The Maze Runner'. To be honest, the end made my heart break and I really had the urge to rewrite it a little bit to be a little bit different ^_^; I see many people change Brenda (although I must admit I don't really mind, love reading the different versions of Brenda xD) and I will not be doing this because I want to make her seem like she was in the books/movies I suppose :P *Whispers* Rose took my nose, I suppose.... Anyway, onto the story!


Thomas sat on the edge of a cliff in Paradise, watching the sunset. The colors were very beautiful, an orange mixed with the blue and purple night sky. He heard some footsteps behind him and turned to face the approaching figure of Brenda.

"Hey Tom, how are you?" She asked in a soft, delicate voice. Oh just fine, He thought. Just that I can never keep my promise to Chuck, I killed Newt because he asked me to, Teresa sacrificed herself for me and Minho, Frypan, Gally, and I are all that is left of all 36 or 40 Gladers.

"I'm okay." Brenda nodded at his words and sat down next to him, laying her head on his shoulder and taking his hand into hers.

"I'm glad that you are. I've been worried, you know?" Thomas glanced at her and then went back to watching the sunset.

"I suppose," He said slowly. "I just needed time to think."

"I can see where you're coming from." She replied. She snuggled closer, making Thomas uncomfortable. Instead of the butterflies he usually had in his stomach he felt sick. He scooted over and let go of Brenda's hand, which made her sit up straight.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I-" Thomas was cut off by Brenda pressing her lips to his. To his surprise he felt nothing; it was like he was numb. His stomach twisted into a knot, making him feel sicker than he had before. He was the first to pull away. Brenda looked at him, confused.

"Brenda... I can't, I'm sorry." Thomas told her.

"What, is it like last time? Are you going to tell me 'You're not her' again?" She seemed close to tears but he wasn't going to stand down.

"No but I- I can't." Brenda stood up and walked away, looking miserable and agitated. Thomas watched her pitiful form until she was out of sight. He sighed and started to get up. He took off in no particular direction but still ended up in the make-shift camp. All the people that would have been WICKED's new test subjects were bustling about, probably looking for food and water or something to help with. Thomas grinned as he saw someone familiar wave at him.

"Hey Minho." Thomas said when he got near him.

"'Hey' to you too, you ugly shank." Minho replied, sounding tired and sarcastic.

"What's up?"

"Nothing at the moment, unless you count building a shelter. You?" He said in a sassy manner.

"I guess I left Brenda, not really sure." Minho turned around faster than Thomas had ever seen, even when they ran the maze.

"Really?" He seemed excited and all signs of exhaustion were gone.

"Yeah, not exactly sure though."

"Dude, let me tell you one thing. You could do better. Brenda was just there after the 'betrayal' and you thought you had feelings for her. It something that happens to people, you just happen to be one of them." Thomas was flabbergasted, had Minho just said that or was it his imagination.

"I never really looked at it like that..." Thomas whispered just loud enough for Minho to hear.

"That's because you lost your memory and don't know anything about that sort of klunk." Minho said matter-of-factly.

"Are you saying you remember that 'sort of klunk'" Thomas couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.

"No, just have talked to many people who have been through the same situation." He smirked.

"And why would they be telling you about that sort of stuff." He shrugged.

"Beats me, all I did was ask them how they were and they started sobbing about their girlfriend I think."

"Weird, what's-" That's when they hear a couple shouts and a whirring of sorts. They exchanged a look and ran towards the noise in time to see a crowd gathering around the Flat Trans.

"Could it be WICKED?" Someone in the crowd asked. A ripple of angry and scared shrieks ran through the crowd and was silenced when Minho shot a gun at the sky.

"EVERYONE STAY CALM! WE DESTROYED WICKED REMEMBER?!" People muttered something that Thomas didn't quite catch but figured it was something along the lines of 'Yes sir'. That's when the Flat Trans started to open, causing many people to run behind him and Minho. He could see the silhouettes of people and his eyes widened. It can't be, He thought, rubbing his eyes to make sure it wasn't an illusion. It wasn't.

Coming out of the Flat Trans was a limping Newt helping Teresa, who was hopping on one foot. She winced every time the foot that must have been injured moved even an inch or accidentally brushed the ground. Newt stopped moving and whispered something to Teresa that Thomas couldn't hear. She nodded and Newt bent down and scooped her into his arms, Teresa made a cry of pain when her leg touched his arm. Thomas gritted his teeth and he couldn't take it any longer. He ran towards them and felt tears go down his cheeks. He didn't care about anything during that moment, his two friends were alive. He couldn't have been happier during that moment.

And then Newt slapped him.


What do you think so far? I feel it was a bit rushed, do you? If you have a suggestion or want to point something out please feel free, I'm always up for criticism!

Question : Why do you think Newt slapped Thomas?

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