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Teresa's POV

Thomas and Teresa were at the mountains base, admiring it. It was very tall and had some white stuff.. Snow, Teresa thought. It sparkled under the sun's light, and Teresa didn't doubt for a second that it would be prettier under moonlight.

"How the hell are we going to climb this?" Thomas asked, slightly annoyed. "You'll slip off because of your crutches and I'll probably miss a step and fall. Those both lead to death." Teresa looked down at her crutches and let go of them. They dropped to the ground and she wobbled forward.

"Teresa, don't make a bad decision.." He said, starting towards her.

"You've made a lot of those, its my turn to try." She joked, grinning. Teresa started climbing carefully. After a couple of steps she stopped, resting her leg. She cursed, realizing how out of shape she was but happy her leg was working. Thomas hesitated before climbing after her.

"Get on my back." Thomas told Teresa.

"Hell no!" She replied, thinking he was taking her back down.

"I'm going to carry you, alright? Don't need to hurt your leg more than it already is." She looked down at him and then sighed. He was right. She did her best not to slip, failing miserably.

"Goodbye world." She whispered, closing her eyes before landing on something... soft. I thought that death would hurt more. Teresa thought. She opened one eye and then the other when she saw Thomas.

"See? Could've killed yourself right there." Teresa nodded, a little dazed. She was staring into Thomas's chocolate brown eyes.

"Are we still going up the mountain?"

"No! Didn't you just learn your lesson?" Thomas put her down, Teresa could tell he was worried.

"I was just kidding Tom," She said, laughing. "I'm never going near this mountain again, climbing is my least favorite thing to do. Same with running."

"Then why did you do it? The running and the climbing in the Scorch?"

"To survive, help you guys along the way as well... sort of help, anyway." She mentally cringed at her answer, wishing she had told him what she wanted to in the first place.

"For you, Tom." Teresa thought.

"Yeah.." He replied. "We should head back to camp." She nodded and started walking forward, stumbling over her own feet.

"Get on my back." Thomas said, bending down on his knees. Instead of telling him off, Teresa blushed and somehow climbed up so that her legs were around his neck. "Your choking me." Teresa mumbled a quick apology and loosened her grip. Thomas grabbed her legs, making sure she wouldn't fall off, making Teresa blush again. They started down the path they came from and once again were in the small clearing.

"Set me down." She commanded to which Thomas obliged. She sat down as soon as her feet hit the ground, motioning for him to sit next to her.

"So, what have you been up to?" Teresa asked as soon as he had sat down too.

"Building houses mostly, still a lot of people without one. I've also been helping Newt or Minho with whatever crazy task they send my way. One time-"

"Why didn't you visit?" Teresa interrupted.

"Oh.. well I was having problems. Mostly with Brenda." Teresa pretended to lay with her shirt sleeve, hiding her emotions.

"What type of problems? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well... she-"

"Thomas!" Both Thomas and Teresa turned to see...


Cliffhanger! XD I was going to post this chapter yesterday, but it was my birthday so I was sort of dragged to places XD

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :3

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