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I can't think of a title that doesn't spoil this XD You can make up your own I guess.
Image above: I don't know but I'm laughing so hard right now x3


Thomas' POV

Thomas paced back and forth in front of the makeshift Medjack Shack. Other people called it a 'hospital' but he had grown to like the Glader slang. Nowadays it sounded less foreign and more like a part of him. Newt and Frypan were also outside waiting. Gally was helping build a shelter and Minho... They didn't know where he had gone. Right now though, Thomas was more worried about Teresa's condition. Her silence before had been alarming, even if no one else seemed too freaked out by it. He knew better than that though, Teresa was the type to speak her mind

"Maybe she didn't have the energy to speak." Newt had said when Thomas had spoken to him about it.

"Yeah, maybe that's it." Thomas had replied, still unsure. When Newt and Frypan were about to leave before their one hour wait became two, a girl who looked 13 or 14 came out of the Shack.

"She's alright," She told them. "I think she was in shock. Poor girl."

"Can we see her?" Thomas asked, trying his best to sound calm. The girl nodded, but as he rushed past she grabbed his arm.

"Try not to be loud and especially be careful. It's pretty dark in there." Then she let go and Thomas rubbed his arm. She had a very tight grip. He walked instead of running into the room, and when he opened the door he saw Teresa's small form on a little bed in the corner. Her leg had been bandaged and on the side of the bed were two sticks that Thomas recognized as crutches. Frypan walked in after him and Thomas looked at the door, watching for Newt. He never came in.

"He went to look for Minho." Frypan whispered in his ear.

"Alright." Thomas muttered back, resuming to look at Teresa. Frypan made the first move towards the bed. Thomas followed in his footsteps. When they reached the bed, he said:

"Teresa, hey." And put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at them and grinned, looking in her eyes Thomas could see that she wasn't happy.

"Hi, Frypan. Tom." He felt little butterflies in his stomach when she said that. Tom. Her nickname for him, one only she could call him.

"You doing okay?" Thomas asked her, pulling up a chair from next to bed and sitting down. Frypan, instead of doing the same, looked between them both and gave a smile. Saying a quick goodbye, he left. Leaving him and Teresa.

"I suppose, could be better." Her voice was raspy, but still had a melodic tone to it.

"Yeah, doesn't seem like you had the best couple days." (A/N: I feel that the cliff scene was after maybe 2-3 days.) They were quiet for a while, just her staring at the wall and Thomas staring at her. Until Teresa broke the silence.

"I'm sorry Tom. I'm sorry for betraying you. I know that you probably hate me and all and that an apology isn't enough to make up for what I did but I am." Thomas tried to keep it in but failed, his laughter filled the room for a moment until he remembered that now wasn't a good time.

"Teresa, I forgave you when you saved my life. I should have put it into words but I couldn't at the moment, I was just really surprised that you would risk your life for me, a shucking idiot." That's when she smiled, a real and honest smile.

"I can't really argue with you being a shucking idiot." Then she laughed, and Thomas couldn't help but laugh with her. For the next couple hours they talked about everything that had happened, Teresa explained that WICKED still had many soldiers left and Newt and her took care of them. Thomas told her about the community and how they were doing, skipping any subject that involved Brenda. He didn't want to talk about her. It was getting dark out and he knew he couldn't stay, so Thomas started standing up.

"I got to go, see you whenever." He said.

"Okay, later Tom." Before he knew what he was doing he kissed her forehead and left. When Thomas finally registered what he had done he started blushing but also couldn't help grinning.


I hope you liked it! That tiny bit of fluff though xD

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