Setting Up: Part 2

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Teresa's POV

"Newt, I don't know if I should..." Teresa was currently trying to get Newt to leave her alone. Her leg was hurting. Let's just say that walking down stairs with crutches isn't a good idea. They are so easy to use. Teresa thought glumly. Like hell they are.

"Teresa, come on. It's just a walk in the forest. What's the worst that can happen? Just you, me, Minho, and Tommy." Newt said, causing Teresa's pale skin to become a light pink when Tom was mentioned.

"Just make it a boys day or something."

"Teresa Carrie Agnes, you are coming with me and that's final!" She sighed loudly but only nodded in response.

"How the hell do you even know my full name?" She asked.

"I just do." He replied with a wink, causing them both to laugh.

"Will you get my crutches... They're in the clothes room, Newton... Yes, thank you very much." Teresa grinned and took her crutches from Newt's hands, heaving herself up into a standing position. Her leg was still sore, but she's live. All she had to do was deal with were her... friends? Could she call them that? She still had no idea how Minho felt about her, last time they talked he hated her guts and yet... Deep down she knew they were still and always would be friends.

"You ready?" Newt asked, snapping Teresa out of her thoughts.



Sorry for it being so short, haven't had time to write a ton. If I could I would write a chapter everyday. Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed this little piece <3

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