제 4 장 ; Chapter 4

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"Yah let me borrow your Science school work that Mrs Bie gave us yesterday." He finally spoke after gave me a total silent stares.

"No way." I gave just a simple anwser, i still can't accept the fact that he just embarrassed me yesterday.

By the time i want to run away, he snatched my shirt, then brought me near to his body.

"Hey not so fast, girl. Where do you think you're going, Taerinnie-Shi?" He asked, more like threatening.

I can't even keep my face straight cause his face was very near with mine. His small eyes, more to invisible eyes were 2 times bigger than usual.

Lol i don't know that his black button eyeballs were this big. I thought he doesn't have any.

I chuckled. Then i realized that our body were so near that it felt like we had been glued together.

Oh snap. Chaerin ah are you out of your mind? how can you laughed like that just now?!

Our body and face are like just 2cm apart. Tell me how to breathe in this kind of situation, my heart beating so fast and it seems like gonna explode. And of course, my cheeks are burning hot. I don't even need to wear blusher, my cheeks are already hot pink in colour.

"Why aren't you answering? Ahh is it because you are speechless right now? Am i too handsome? Why are your cheeks burning like hell? You like it right? All the girls in this school are dying to be in your position right now, so i should say that you're one lucky fan of mine." He attacked me with those stupid questions. And of course Jiwon gave me a goofy smirk alongside.

Oh god he noticed that oh god what should i do now i feel like dying.

"Yah Jiwon, release me now please. I don't have time to play with you. And for your information, I'm not like one of those fangirls of yours. I'm not even your fan, stop dreaming you fool." I replied weakly.

Finally, he released my shirt after a while. Can you see how crazy he is? I have never seen any guy who wants to 'borrow' things from someone this intense. I mean like bro you don't even need to be all dramatic. Ugh.

I quickly walk pass by his shoulder once he released me. But then he stopped me. Again.

"So how about the school work? Let me borrow it now." He keeps on asking me.

"Wow since when does Mr. Kim Jiwon willing to do his school works? Whatever it is the answer is still the same, no."

"Since it's graded."

"No. No way. Bye." I ended my answer then quickly left from his sight.


"Ok class, now pass up your school works that is been given yesterday infront on my table." Mrs Bie said once she entered the class.

I searched for my school works but guess what, it wasn't in my bag.

Wait... i brought the school works right? I knew that last night i already packed my bag...

I keep on searching it on my bag, but it was hopeless. I suspected someone had stole it.

"Those who didn't pass up your school works today, please meet me in detention class at 2pm." Mrs Bie said. Oh snap i think she knew it i haven't yet pass up that school works thingy.

Then i remember something this morning.

Kim Jiwon.

It's him right? Who else could it be?

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