Chapter Two

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I blinked as my eyes opened to a bright light. I glanced around and saw that I was in a room. I tried to sit up but a hand pushed me back down. I followed the arm back up to the face of a man, a man I didn't recognize. I gasped and then realized that I was gagged and my hands were bound. I panicked and struggled to get my hands out of the rope. The stranger laughed and removed the gag.

"Where am I?" I demanded to know.

"That is for me to know, and you to never find out." The stranger said.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to kill me?" I begged.

"I'm not the man who is trying to kill you, but he did ask me to catch you and bring you to him... alive." He laughed, leaning down toward me.

I spit in his face and he drew back, reaching out a hand. He slapped me and put the gag back in my mouth. Then he hit me so  hard I passed out.

When I woke up again I found him sleeping with his hand wrapped around a gun. I struggled with my bindings again, with no luck, they were tied to tightly. I tried to roll over, hoping to fall to the floor, thinking maybe I could get up and get to the door. I managed to get to the edge of the bed and was on my stomach, when I felt a hand in my hair. He jerked hard and brought my head up, then he placed a knife at my throat. He told me to be a good girl and stay put. He removed the knife and rolled me back to the middle of the bed tying my hands to the posts on the headboard so I couldn't move anymore. I was terrified, scared that he was going to kill me even though I was wanted alive. He backed off and grabbed a back pack. Then he headed toward the door, pulling it open and walking out, closing it behind him.

I started crying. I had no idea how long I had been there. I was filthy, dirt smeared on my face. I wondered what had happened to my father, Mikhalis, and Aaron. I suddenly visualized them all lying in the truck dead. I started sobbing, thinking I would never be rescued, that I would die in this awful place.

Then the door opened again, and I looked up to see the man walking back in, the backpack full. He came over to the bed and ntied my hands from the bed posts. He told me not to try anything or he would shoot me. He ynked me upright and brought me to my feet. He cut the rope binding my hands, and removed the gag from my mouth. He shoved me into the bathroom and set me down on the edge of the tub, taking a washcloth and wetting it down. He scrubbed at my face, trying to clean the caked on dirt. He yanked a brush through my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. Then he handed me clean clothes, and told me to change, leaving the bathroom. I pulled off my dirty tattered clothes, and pullled the clean ones on. I opened the door to find him standing there. He grabbed my arm and tugged me toward the other door. He opened it and led me into the hall, then he laced his fingers througj mine and I tried to pull away.

"If anyone asks you're my girlfriend and your 19." he said. "Try any funny buisness and you know what happens."

I nodded and quit trying to pull away from him. We walked down the hall toward the receptionist's desk. He let go of my hand while he checked us out. The man at the desk looked at me with concern, I knew I couldn't pass for 19 years old since I was only 16.

"Is this your daughter?" The man at the desk asked.

I knew he wasn't much older than me, maybe only a year.

"No, she's my girlfriend." My captor replied. "Now back off."

"A little young for you isn't she?" the young guy asked. I looked to see he was wearing a name tag that read Shawn.

"She's 19 for your information." the man said. "Now would you please mind your own buisness and give me the bill?"

Shawn handed him the bill and glanced back up at me. I knew that my face showed terror, and that he wasn't falling for my kidnapper's lies. I saw him slowly reach for something under the desk and I knew what he was doing. I reached around pretending to hug my kidnapper, but was really reaching for the gun under his jacket. I pulled it away from him at the same time Shawn pulled a gun from under the desk. He pointed it at the man, and I pointed the one I had taken toward him too.

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