Chapter Three

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Mikhalis was sitting in the back seat and I was in the front next to my dad. He wouldn't let me be back with Mikhalis. I sighed and rested my chin in my hand staring out the window. Then I turned to look back at Mikhalis, who was staring at me. I smiled and he mouthed the words I love you. I giggled and mouthed back the words I love you too. He smiled at me. My dad cleared his throat and told me to turn around. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, slouching in my seat.

MY dad pulled the truck off at an exit, and I looked at him questioningly. He pointed to a sign that said food. I nodded and sat back in my seat. Maybe I would finally have a chance to talk to Mikhalis. I had no idea why my dad was keeping me from him. I wanted to talk to Aaron and Shawn and see if they knew anything about my dad's new behavior toward Mikhalis. He pulled the truck to the side street in front of a restaurant, and shut off the engine. I climbed down and shivered. It was really chilly. I wrapped my arms around myself and then felt someone wrap thier arms around me from behind. I looked down to see Mikhalis' arms wraped around my waist and smiled up at him. Then my dad came over and pulled me out of Mikhalis' arms. I saw Shawn and Aaron standing a few feet away looking at me with puzzled expressions. I frowned and looked at the ground as my dad pulled me inside the restaurant. I wanted to be back in Mikhalis' arms. I finally decided to act on my own. I yanked my arm away from my dad's hand, he turned around and stared at me. I stared back and turned around walking outside. He chased after me an roughly grabbed my arm and hurt me. I cried out and tried to pull away but he held my arm tighter.

"Let me go!" I screamed at him.

Mikhalis walked over and started towards my dad. I thought has going to hit him, but instead he walked up to him and shoved him.

"I'm sick of you not letting Arianna anywhere near me." he said shoving my father again. "She can be around me when she wants. I'm not going to hurt her, unlike you."

My father looked shocked and scared, Mikhalis was twice his size Mikhalis got ahold of himself and backed off. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He bent his head toward mine and parted his lips, pressing them against mine. He tangled his fingers in my hair. He kissed me for what seemed like forever, I got so lost in it. I gasped when he pulled away, wanting to stay in his arms forever. Then I heard a pop and looked at Mikhalis to see him clutching his jaw. I looked to see who ahd hit him and it hadn't been my father, it had been Aaron.

"Dude, don't you ever kiss my sister like that again!" Aaron shouted at him.

I looked at Aaron surprised. He had just hit his best friend. I went up to my brother and slapped him across the face. He gasped and stared at me, his hand on his cheek.

"Don't you ever hit my boyfriend like that again! He can kiss me how ever he wants to!" I screamed at him walking off.

I walked over to the truck and climbed in the back throwing myself across the seat and started sobbing. I couldn't believe what was going on, and I was so stressed out. I heard the door open and rolled over to see who it was. Mikhalis moved my feet and climbed in next to me.

"I'm so sorry." He said pulling me into him. "I shouldn't have done what I did. I guess I wanted an excuse to hit your father, but instead Aaron got me."

"Why? Why are they treating u like this?" I begged of him.

"Because I'm the same age as your brother and they both think I want you for one thing, which isn't true at all."

I sniffled and leaned on him. He wrapped his arms around me and put his lips in my hair. I felt them brush across my ear and down my jaw line. I shivered, getting goose bumps. Then his lips stopped on mine. He kissed me wiht much more energy than he had before. He tangled his fingers in my hair, and pulled me into him. He pulled his hands out of my hair, and slid them down to my hips, pulling me as close to him as he could. I moaned and put my arms around his neck. Then he pulled back, gasping. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him, then giggled.

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