Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning to my cell phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over to grab it off the nightstand. Mikhalis groaned as I rolled off of him. I looked at it too see that my best friend Derek was calling me. I slid it open and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Hey, I just got back from vacation to find you gone. I asked around and found out your mom killed herself." He said. "Are you okay Arianna? Where are you?"

"I'm in Montana still, but I'm not okay."

"Find out where in Montana. I'm coming."

MIkhalis sat up and turned on the light. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

"Who is that?" He asked.

"My best friend, Derek." I said.

He nodded, got up, and stretched.

"Arianna?" I heard Derek on the phone. "Where are you?"

"Hang on Derek, I'm going to try to find out."

I got up and walked over to Mikhalis. I put my hand in his and he looked down at me.

"Hey babe, where are we?" I asked.

"About 15 miles south of where you used to live."

I sighed and told Derek. He asked what hotel and I walked over to the dresser to see the hotel emblem on a card. I told him what hotel I was in. He said that he would be there soon.

"Okay Derek." I said.

I got my clothes from my suitcase and went to the bathroom to change. When I came back out I started to pack up my suitcase. Mikhalis came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his chest and the tears spilled over. He put his lips in my hair and told me it was okay.

"I miss my mom Mikhalis." I whispered.

There was a knock on the door, and I ran to open it. Derek was standing in the hallway looking at something else. He hadn't realized that I had answered the door. I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He laughed in suprise and kissed my cheek like he always did. I pulled back and looked at him.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay, I still miss her alot."

"Yeah, I do too."

Mikhalis cleared his throat behind us. I turned around and introduced them.

"Mikhalis, this is Derek, we've been best friends since we can remember. Derek, this is my boyfriend Mikhalis."

They said hi to each other and shook hands. I don't think Derek was sure about Mikhalis.

"How about we got down and get some breakfast and we can get caught up Arianna?" Derek asked.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand as we walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"So where are you planning to go? Now that your mom's gone I mean." he asked.

I pushed the button on the elevator and looked at him.

"I don't know, I guess I'm going to go where ever Mikhalis takes me."

He sighed and grabbed my shoulders, staring into my eyes.

"There's something wierd about him Arianna." He said.

I looked at him shocked. How could he say that?

"I'm not trying to be mean Aarianna. But something is wierd, the way he looks at you, it's not with love, it's almost with hate, like he wants to kill you. I don't know, but it scares me.

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