Come To LA

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Sorry its such a short Chapter, I have Exams for school going on so i'm sorry!


The Next day I woke up early and headed straight to Ben’s house.

It was raining heavily and I had to pick up my things and leave.

I knocked on the door and there was no answer.

I kicked the door and began fisting it and yelling,


A neighbour from upstairs came out on the balcony,

“He’s gone! Go home and stop pounding on the door at this early in the morning!”

“Marvin its 7:30!” I snipped back.

“Well I usually get up after noon so leave me be!”

He walked back in his apartment as I decided to scale the side of Ben’s apartment.

I saw a small crack open from his window in his bedroom; it was too small for me to fit through so I stuck my hand through to un-latch the screen.

After getting the screen off I was able to lift the heavy window so I could slide in. I slid through though I got stuck halfway,

“Stupid big ass!” I cursed heaving my way to the other side; after one hard push off the window frame I landed on the bed.

“Wuah” I yelped falling into the bed.

“Ugh, Ash you hit me in the face with you knee!” a guy winced.

“Ben you’re here, why did you not answer your door?!”

“Because I can’t see you anymore, no matter if you come here” he frowned.

“Well that’s my mother’s rules; I’m a free person in 1 day…”

“Ash you really know how to work around rules don’t you?” he chuckled pulling me into a hug.

“I do, but the reason I’m here is to collect my belongings, I’m not leaving New York without my favorite clothes!”

“You bet” he smiled.

I started packing up my things as he slipped out wearing his weird pyjama’s I got him for Christmas.


“Yeah, you called?”

“Come with me, to LA, sell this place and come live in LA” I smiled.

“Ash I can’t drop everything, I know I would love to come with you, but where would I live?”

“Live in Vita Rose, my dad lives 2 blocks away. It’s an amazing apartment place, my dad’s the manager. He said he would even move there?”

“Give your dad a call and get me a place” he winked.

“Will do, see you later Ben” I smiled before leaving out the front door.

“Bye Ash” he smiled.

I took out my iPod and blasted ‘True Friends’ by Emblem3.

I was in love with Wesley’s voice; he was a bad boy angel who stole my heart.

I wonder if I will ever meet them in LA…

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