Finally and Forever<3

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It has been  9 months since that day, and all I can say is "WOW."

              Wes and I have been dating ever since, no problems, just Love. I know i'm still young to call it Love but i truly do feel this way. Wes is the most wonderful and kind hearted person ever, even though he sometimes is a little dirty I really don't mind... Nothing has really happened THAT way, or maybe it has. Oh well, its my personal life, I'm not saying if it has happened or not, its up to you to find out. Though all I  can say is Wes is 20 and we are living together. Its pretty cool, even though I live in the house with 3 guys, but its a pretty big house and I have my own bathroom. I have only lived there for a few weeks, and its getting pretty searious. This is truely the best moments of my life, i'm really happy.

Emblem3's Second album came out last week and i love it! Keaton spolied Wes's plan for my 20th birthday, he is taking me out for supper. I think its so sweet though, I dont know where, but i'm excited!


I was laying in my bed, (In my room, which was the old guest room) when Sampson came running in through the door. He jumped on my bed licking my face, waking me up. I pet his little head and kissed the little guy. He was so cute, i can't believe he is 3 now! I noticed a little note attacted to his collar.

"Dear Ash, Sorry to wake you but i'm so very excited because of your birthday! So I set you a plan for you to follow to lead you to where our date takes place. The first clue for you is to head to the gym, bring your clothes to get fit!" ~Wes

I smiled and grabbed some clothes, getting ready for the gym. I think he wants me to excersize. Once I got to the gym I found a note on the glass saying to complete my workout for the next clue. So I did my normal work out and Wes's trainer handed me another note,

"Great workout, so now you earned tonights treat. Head to the house and look on your bed. I bought you something" ~Wes.

So he sent me here so I have unhealthy food tonight? Health freak... Oh well, he's just looking out for me. I headed home to see a dress, silky red fabric that flowed to the knees. It was gorgeous, with silky waves and a strapless top. Along were some matching heels and a diamond necklace. He really had gone all out for this. It was amazing. The little note on the side said for me to get ready, and when the clock strikes 5 to head downstairs.

It was 1pm, so I had a few hours. I took a bubble bath to relax then washed my hair. I dried off then did my hair and makeup. I painted my nails into a french nude color. Then I got dressed into the outfit and looked in the mirror. I looked to see my long tan legs which reached to the Red sparkling heels. I admired my long wavy brown hair which flowed over my shoulders to the strapless gown (Taylor Swifts Dress in the side Picture) I fell in love with the dress more and more. Every turn and sway I fell in love. I finally put on the necklace which was a small diamond heart, I then made sure none of my smokey eye makeup was smudged before heading downstairs. I saw Keaton standing there smiling alongside Drew.

"Wes is such a lucky guy, happy birthday Ash" Drew smiled handing me a rose.

"Aw Thank you Drew!" I sniffed trying not to cry. I gave them a hug standing infront of them. Keaton had a funny little smirk like something was going to happen and he was excited. I was a little confused but I ingored it. I gave the guys another hug as a limo pulled up. I was helped into the car and the car took off. After a little drive we pulled up to a little area on the beach, and I knew it well. This was the place Wes took me surfing. I smiled and walked along the hard path to the little patch where I saw Wes standing suprisingly in a suit.

I walked over to him giving him a big kiss,

"Happy Birthday Ashley" he smiled.

"Thank you Wes, this is so romantic!" I smiled looking over the wide table which had little candles and decoration. On my plate sat a little passport with my picture and name.

"Since I can't take you all over the world I thought I would try to do my best and take you all at once" Wes said pulling out my chair. I sat down as the waitor brought out some VERY fancy cheese from France. Wes had arranged little bits of cultural food to be served and everytime we ate that food we would get a stamp from that place in our passports.

A few courses later they brought out red velvet cake and I died. I loved that cake, and I was so full after. Then suprsingly there was one more course. A little bit of Dairy Queen Ice Cream and Onion Rings. I started laughing and I ate them together, Wes just sat there eating ice cream giving me the "Fatty" stare. I could hardy eat anymore, let alone walk, but Wes forced me up to walk on the beach. The sun was oh most gone and we walked with no shoes down the beach. Wes had this devilish smirk the whole time. Finally we got to the end of the beach when Wes got on his knee to tie his shoe. I stood there awkwardly as Wes looked up at me, then I realized he was not tying his shoe. He pulled out a ring, and I was shocked.

"Ashley, I know we are young but is there anyway I could convice you to marry me? We dont have to get married for at least a year. It could be 5 years even, but I will never find another you. Ever. All I want is to be with you, and for you to be mine. I Love you Ashley... Will you Marry me?" Wes asked.

I pulled him into his feet kissing him with the most passion. After a good minute we pulled away and he asked,  "Is that a yes?"



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