Nightmare (Bellamy Blake)

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His P.O.V);

"Bell shove off." Octavia snapped, her eyes practically glowing in annoyance as she turned her attention to me. Her eyes were narrowed in a dangerous way which she had inherited from mum. She was toying with a knife in one hand, its tip dug into the bark of the tree stump where she was sitting. There was some guy I'd paid very little attention to previously sat behind her with a smirk lining his features, his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin on her shoulder so that he was also looking at me. 

"I can look after myself." She said in little more than a growl, causing the guy to titter. 

I clenched my hands by my sides, my eyes narrowing slightly as I slowly became more and more annoyed. I could feel a snarl pulling at my lips, but I tried to keep myself calm, knowing that by getting annoyed I'd only push her further towards pushing me away.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were all right." I gritted through my teeth.

"Of course she is." The guy said, before kissing her lightly on the cheek, making her blush as she nuzzled closer to him. "I'll look out for her."

I went to reply, but I felt a hand brush lightly down my arm. I turned to see Y/N beside me, a small smile on her face as I moved my hand so as to take hers. There was something calming about her being there, rubbing small circles into the back of my hand.

"O, could you help me with the cooking tonight?" She asked cheerily, bouncing on the balls of her feet slightly.

Octavia, however, groaned, rolling her eyes in annoyance before standing up, pulling the guy up with her. "Get Clarke to do it." She snapped, walking away as the boy practically trotted behind her, She stopped at the edge of camp though, her eyes flashing as she looked over her shoulder to call: "Or better still, do it yourself." And with that, she disappeared into the woods, dragging the guy with her.

"Octavia!" I called, moving forward slightly, but Y/N's hand kept me back as she tightened her grip on mine. I glanced down at her, confusion making my brow furrow.

"She'll be all right." She said, rubbing the back of my hand lightly before pulling me back towards camp. I followed her, more out of not knowing what else to do as I didn't want Octavia to hate me- I knew that was the next step if I followed her. "She's a big girl now."

A few hours had passed, and I was pacing in front of the fire. Y/N was sat on a log a short distance from me. The fore was causing light to flicker across her face, highlighting the look of concern that was on her face despite how she was shedding some of the leaves that had been collected for dinner.

"Where are they?" I asked, stopping for a moment in front of her.

Y/N glanced up at me, pity washing over her face which caused my heart to skip a beat. 

"I'm sure they just got distracted by something pretty." She said, though I could tell that she didn't believe it either.

I went to reply, when the sound of snapping branches caused me to jump around. I quickly turned to the source of the sound, my gun held out in front of me as I noticed Y/N standing up, knife held shakily in front of her.

But, as the figure stumbled into camp, I realised who it was.

"O." I whispered, dropping the gun and racing towards her.

She collapsed into my arms, her wounds looking slightly septic already. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair slick with sweat and something which I wanted to ignore as I was pretty sure it was blood.

"Be-Bell." She wheezed, gripping at the material of my shirt. I could feel her shaking as Y/N squatted by my side.

Tears were prickling my eyes as I pulled Octavia closer. "I-I'm sorry, you're gonna be all right." I said, standing up with Octavia in my arms. "Get Clarke." I said, looking towards Y/N worriedly, but a sadness had crossed her face, her own eyes glistening with tears.

"Bellamy." You said, shaking his shoulders lightly.

You'd heard him whimpering in his sleep when you passed by his tent as you'd been on night watch. Your partner was still skulking around camp, with an air of importance about him that really wasn't necessary, and therefore you'd slipped into Bellamy's tent to check on him.

When he eventually woke up, sitting up quickly and causing you to jump away so he didn't head-butt you, you could see the redness of his eyes as a few tears trickled down his cheeks. His breathing was slightly laboured, but he quickly got it under control as he wiped the tears off his cheeks, a slight blush lighting them as he did so.

"What're you doing in here?" He asked, sounding slightly guarded which caused you to raise an eyebrow. He sighed. "I'm just worried." He admitted in a small voice.

"Nightmare?" You asked softly.

You rubbed his shoulder lightly as he nodded, his brow furrowing as he began to get out of bed. You put a little amount of pressure on his shoulder though, causing him to stay on the bed.

"Try to sleep." You said, standing up as a serious look settled on your face. "I'll go check on O for you." You added, smiling as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"You're the best." He said softly.

You shrugged, a slight smirk slipping easily onto your face. "Oh, I know." You said, causing him to chuckle. "No, go to sleep."

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