John Murphy Imagine

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If there was one night that you looked forward to the most it was the movie night that you and your neighbour John had once a month. When your parents were out at work the two of you- like clockwork- would sit up in your living room watching movies that you'd found in the Exchange over the years. There weren't many, and you could practically recite them all backwards, but that wasn't the point. There was a comfort in these evenings which the two of you couldn't ignore, and so you always made an effort to get them.

"You got everything?" John asked, looking over the back of the sofa. You could already hear the movie whirling up on the screen, and you knew that he had the remote- wondering how loud he could put the thing before your other neighbours complained.

"Almost." You said, trying to balance another drink on your tray. "Could you try not to make it loud enough for people on Phoenix to hear you?"

John shot you a quick smirk before settling a little more on the sofa. "So only the Browns then?"

You groaned, knowing that he was only half joking. It was infuriating dealing with him sometimes, but you wouldn't have changed it for the world.

You placed the stuff on the table and settled beside him just as the movie began- a a reasonable sound level. You always liked the fact that he put your favourite on first, knowing that by the end of the movie night you'd both be too tired to pay the thing too much attention. And yet today, you were both a little restless. The characters weren't holding your attention as well as they normally did. The thing didn't suck you in as much. And you could tell from John's constant shifting that his mind was elsewhere as well.

"What?" You asked, turning to him, a small frown on your face. "What's wrong?"

John shifted so that he was looking at you a little better. "I found something at the Exchange today and I was just thinking about it."

You raised a curious eyebrow at him.

The familiar little smug smirk slipped onto his face. He ran a hand through his hair before standing up. "I'll be right back." He assured you, before dashing out of the room. You knew that he was only going to his home, but you still paused the movie just in case.

You didn't see John returning, but you knew when he was back because something hit the back of your head. You jumped away from the sofa and spotted popcorn there.

"Did you really just throw popcorn at me?" You asked, your eyes narrowing at John. He was standing in the doorway, a smirk on his face, a handful of popcorn in one hand while a bag was clasped firmly in the other. "Oh, it is on!"

John chuckled, throwing more popcorn at you. This lot missed you as you ducked behind the sofa. You grabbed a handful of the sweets that you'd put on the table and threw a few his way.

"I'm pretty sure you're meant to eat popcorn, John." You told him, peering around the sofa.

"Yeah, but this is far more fun." He told you, shifting behind the door frame.

You couldn't help but smirk as you aimed another sweet for him. He had a point.

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