Shorter (Jasper Jordan)

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A buzz of excited conversation filled the canteen. The remained of the 100 were scattered amongst nervous looking people from Mount Weather, who kept casting weary glances towards them before almost shovelling their food into their mouths before scurrying off. Not that many of the 100 seemed to notice, they were too lost in catch-up sessions with their friends, talking merrily about how they were glad to finally be somewhere safe.

You, however, were sat in one of the corner seats with Jasper sitting opposite you. You were idly dipping the teabag into the small amount of water at the bottom of your cup, playing with the string for something to do with your hands. The two of you were in your own little world, teasing each other as if nothing had changed. As if you were still back on the Ark trying to fight off boredom during detention.

"You know." Said Jasper, smirking over the rim of his cup of tea at you. "I'm surprised they've not asked you to go into the tutoring yet." There was a highly amused lilt behind his voice that made you clench your jaw in annoyance.

"And I'm surprised they haven't had to make the doorways taller for your fat head to get through." You said venomously, a smirk pulling at the corners of your mouth.

Jasper scoffed into his drink at that, and you were certain that it sounded as though he'd blown tea out of his nose.

"At least I can get into the top bunk of the bunk beds." He said, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

You couldn't help but laugh at that, a smile lighting your face as you rolled your eyes at him before draining your cup of tea.

"Well, that was rude." You said after managing to calm yourself down. You attempted to sound as offended as you could at the comment, pouting at him and widening your eyes for added effect.

"Aw." He cooed, standing up and quickly moving around the table to stand beside you. "I'm sorry."

There was a smirk on his face as he pulled you into a hug. You chuckled into his shoulder, feeling him tighten his grip around your back.

"Wanna know what it's like to be tall?" He asked brightly.

"What'd you mean?"

He chuckled slightly before lifting you up.

You laughed at him, tightening your grip around the back of his neck.

"I think I prefer being short." You said simply, wiggling so that he'd put you down.

"Suit yourself." He said, winking at you though as he lent to pick up his cup of tea again.

There was a beat before he put the cup back onto the table, the dregs reaming.

"C'mon." He said, a bright smile slipping onto his face. "Let's go exploring."

"Now that sounds more like it." You said, grinning at him.

"Don't worry though." He said, nudging you as you started out of the canteen, nodding to a few of the others when their attention flickered towards you. "I'll make sure they don't try taking you into a lesson." 

You nudged him with your shoulder, shaking your head.

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