John Murphy Imagine

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You couldn't understand what was happening. You and John had been so close for as long as you could remember. He was the first friend you ever made, he was your first kiss, your first date. He was your first everything, but now, it's like you're invisible to him.

Ever since you landed on Earth, John had starting acting...different...

He would hardly talk to you, spend time with you. He just wouldn't acknowledge your existence. 

You and John were secretly dating for over three years now, you couldn't let anyone know that however. John was an outcast, you were the most popular girl. Everyone knew you two were close, they had come to accept that, but if they were ever to find out, there would be outcry. 

The only person you've ever told is your brother. At first, he was outraged, he was ready to go for John, but you convinced him John is a good person. 

You were now starting to regret convincing him of that.


It was late, everyone was sat by the campfires, but you sat alone, in your shared tent with John. 

You sit on the end of your bed, your head in the knees, silently crying to yourself.

"What have I done?" You think to yourself

"What could I have possibly of done wrong?"

Soon enough your crying caught the attention of someone wandering outside of your tent. Luckily for you it was just your brother.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Your brother asks concerned, rushing to your side.

At first you were reluctant to say anything, fearing he would be mad or try to hurt John.

"Y/N?" He whispered, pulling you in for a hug.

"It's John." You sobbed. "He's been acting weird since we landed on Earth, he won't talk to me, he hardly ever sleeps in here with me, I hardly ever see him. It's like he's purposely ignoring me." 

You started crying hysterically now, no longer able to control yourself. 

"Don't worry Y/N, I'm sure everything is fine. He's probably just adjusting to life on Earth. I'll talk to him for you." And then he left. 

But what you didn't know, was your brother and John had a surprise waiting for you.


It was the next day, you must have fallen asleep waiting for your brother to get back. 

You cleaned yourself up, made yourself look presentable, then slowly exited your tent. You'd expected everyone to be up and working by now, but there was no one. 

You walked around camp, but there was no sign of anyone.

You went and sat on a make-shift bench by last nights burnt out campfire and sighed. First John had left you, know everyone else has too, could this get any worse?

You were about to get up and go back to your tent when you saw someone walking towards you. 

You looked carefully, making sure your eyes weren't deceiving you. 

"John?" You gasped, shocked.

You started walking towards him, tears already streaming down your face. 

"What happened John? Why have you been ignoring me? Where is everyone?" You cried.

"Shh, I haven't been ignoring you, well, not purposely anyway. I've been really busy, working on a surprise for you." He explained, smiling down at you.

"A surprise?" You asked, barely audible.

He nodded at you whilst getting something out of his pocket.

It was a small box, like a ring box. 

You gasped, crying even more. 

John got down on one knee and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

"My mum gave me this ring, she told me to save it for the right girl. Y/N, when I met you, I knew you were the one for me. The moment my eyes landed on you, I felt like my heart was going to explode, you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I didn't care that you were the most popular girl, even when we were young, I just knew I had to talk to you. But when you actually spoke to me like I was an actual person, I couldn't believe it. Ever since that day, everything in my life has been perfect. All the pranks we pulled when we were best friends, our first kiss, our first date...our first time. Everything has been perfect. And when I managed to get the balls to ask you to be my girlfriend three years ago, it was the best decision of my life. These past three years have been the best of my life. I can't wait to grow old with you, start a family, spend the rest of our lives together. Y/N, will you make me the happiest guy alive and marry me?"

By now you hadn't realised everyone else had come back and was waiting for you to answer.

You nodded your head and mumbled a quiet yes, unable to speak. 

John put the ring on your finger and pulled you into a tight embrace. 

"I love you so much Y/N." He whispered into your ear.

"I love you too John."

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