Chapter 12

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"And we are going to do it TONIGHT!!!" Luffy shouted at everyone, giving them strength and courage.

But then Robin interfered the moment "Captain-san, it would be great if we fight him now but aren't we going to be caught in Ichiro's powers if we go out in this tunnel?"

Luffy yelled as he raised both of his arms in the air "WHO CARES!!! WE WILL BE FIGHTING OUR WAY THROUGH!!!!"

Usopp on his side, yelling with him as well "Yeah!!! WE WILL BE FIGHTING OUR WAY THROUGH YOU JERKS!!!!"

And chopper yelled too along with them "THAT'S RIGHT YOU BASTARDS!!!!!"

Robin sighed then nami raised her fist, ready to beat the hell of them.



In just a few seconds luffy and usopp are in floor. Their heads are swollen from nami's punches.

Nami yelled at them after beating them up "CANT YOU THINK ABOUT THE SITUATION MORE CAREFULLY??!!! guys are hopeless!!!" She said then she massaged her temples afterwards.

Everyone sweat dropped at the moment except for zoro who is already sleeping in the corner, having his own little world.

Then Robin turned to Shiritora. "Well then Shiritora-san, can you please tell us. How do you get supplies from the island?"

"What about it, Robin?" You asked her, raising your eyebrow in confusion.

Robin smiled "If we know how to sneak in the island without getting caught by Ichiro's illusions, that would give us advantage, right?"

"As I expected from you Robin! ^_^" nami said, smiling at robin

Sanji twirled, forming a love tornado "RRRROOOOBBIIINNNN-CCCHHHWWWAAAANNNN!!!! <3 <3 <3"

Robin giggled, then she turn her head to shiritori "Fufufu, well then Shiritora-san?"

"Y-yes, we discovered that ichiro's powers are stronger in the nighttime but it will eventually weaken in the daylight." Shiritora proceeded

"I see, so that means we can only sneak in the village hall at noon but that would give us disadvantage. We'll be easily get noticed." Sanji said as he hold his cigarette near his lips, analyzing the situation.

"But his illusions will not completely disappear in the island, some of it will remain and also, Ichiro put a lot of androids in the day to be guards. They're really troublesome especially that their faces and bodies copies some of us here, but androids are androids so they are bad in know, human-like."-shiritora

"Robots will be robots after all" robin said casually.

"But I'm SUPER!!!!" franky said doing his trademark post again.

"We can easily take down those androids, they wont get in our way." Zoro smirked, his hands resting on his swords.

"Yosh, I'll leave it to you zoro! I knew I could count on you" usopp said, thumbs upping at zoro

Chopper is on usopp side, nodding at zoro "we'll leave it to you zoro!"

"Oi!!!..." zoro sweat dropped but he immediately shake it off by yelling at Usopp "YOU GUYS SHOULD FIGHT TOO!!!"

"NO WAY!!! Are you even listening about that Ichiro-guy? He kills his victims using a chainsaw! A FREAKING CHAINSAW FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! THERE'S NO WAY IM GONNA FIGHT THAT GUY!!!" Usopp said as he's legs shook violently in fear.

Chopper was on the verge of crying in fear along with usopp "That's right! You go fight him zoro!"

"Heh! You guys are a bunch of cowards!" Nami said proudly with her arms crossed under her chest.

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