Chapter 14

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Luffy was lying on the floor, bathing in his own blood. Hundreds of large wounds surrounded his body and his clothes was teared from all sides, soaked in his own blood. His face was facing flat on the floor and he showed no signs of moving.

Zoro remained quiet and calm while you and the others still couldn't believe your eyes.

"LUFFY!!!!!!!........WAKE UP!!!!!!!" Usopp shouted at his bestfriend. He couldnt believe his eyes, they already went this far. This can't be happening.

"Usopp...." Nami and chopper looked at usopp with worry while the others glared at Ichiro.

"ICHIRO!!!!!!" you yelled at him in anger.

Ichiro just smirked, ignoring everyone's anger and grief "Now that I killed your captain straw hat, I guess you guys know what will I do next." Then his eyes focused on you "And also you (y/n), you wont be able to escape from me this time."

You gritted your teeth as you glared at him, full of hatred.

Ichiro smiled wickedly "It's time for me to finish you off!"

Everyone flinched. They knew that things will be bad especially in their situation right now.

A voice behind him spoke "Wait!" He instantly turned and his eyes widened when he saw luffy still trying to stand up despite all of his wounds. "I-Impossible! You cant be alive! You've already lost too much blood!"

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!!!" Luffy spat as he punched the ground, trying to stand up.

"LUFFY!!!" Chopper and usopp screamed as they wiggled in happiness, hugging each other.

Nami sighed in relief "Thank goodness.

Zoro smirked and Robin just smiled. They knew their captain will be okay.

Sanji was a little worried about luffy earlier but he was now relieved "Psh...Dont make us worry, you idiot."

"You think you've already defeated me?! You got it wrong!! I'm far more stronger than that!!!" Luffy coughed blood a few times. He was already standing up on one knee with an arm supported on the ground.

"Well that's surprising. I never knew you could survive that, but that just because I haven't finished you off yet." Ichiro turned to battle stance. The tip of sword was pointed towards luffy's body. He intended to stab him while he got the chance.  "I'll make sure this will send you to your death." He charged at luffy. "DIE!!!!!!!!!"

Usopp screamed in fear "Waaaahhhhh!!!!! Luffy!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!"

Luffy looked up then he used both of his fist to stop the sword from stabbing him. This caught Ichiro off guard.

"What?! No way!!!" Ichiro used full of his force to continue his attack but it didnt even move a single inch.

Veins popped from luffy's forehead as he kicked the sword forcefully, breaking the blade into pieces. Some of its shards fall into the floor creating a clanking sound.

Your jaw dropped at the intense scene, thinking about how did luffy just broke the sword or how strong is he? Meanwhile, Usopp and chopper cheered at luffy excitedly.

Ichiro fell back, aware that Luffy can still fight effectively and counter all of his attacks.

Luffy glared at him, dangerously while turning his mouth into a wicked grin "It's my turn now."

Ichiro glared back, he really couldn't believe that Luffy can still fight "Your turn? You've got to be kidding me! What can you do now!?"

Luffy stood up smirking "I can defeat you!!!!"

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