Chapter 56

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A/N: Warning: The following events in this chapter contains disturbing/gory scenes. Reader discretion is adviced.

As the night falls, the streets outside the hotel are quiet, and there is nothing you can hear except the gentle sound of the wind rustling the leaves of the trees surrounding the whole island itself. People are now inside their homes, fast asleep, tired from the following events that occurred that day, however, there is one man that kept himself awake throughout the night. A man who had a mission to accomplish. A man with a criminal mentality.

Luffy slowly walked towards the area of his roommate, Usopp. It's already 3 o'clock in the morning, no one should be awake at this time, everybody should be sound asleep at this time of the hour unless they have insomnia or a night owler. Today is perfect,  a perfect time to do his plan...

The assassination of the Straw hats.

(Y/n) should be doing her part of the plan at the girl's room then after that, both of them will kill the rest of the members of the pirate crew in the other room.

Considering how high their bounties right now, engaging them in a fight should be impossible so assassinating them tonight would be the best plan.

Pulling out a small knife in his pocket, he raised it and was ready to stab it in Usopp's chest when suddenly he felt a cold metal against his neck.

"Isn't this a bit too early for a surprise attack, Luffy?" A voice behind him said.

Luffy quickly spun around to attack whoever was behind him but he was already held down with a sword against his neck by the stranger. "Heh, If you think you can fool us with that face of yours, you've underestimated us."

The lights went on and it was finally clear who attacked him. It was Zoro, the pirate hunter or probably the vice-captain of the Straw hats. Usopp, his target to kill earlier was now awake and showed no signs of grogginess or sleepiness. He was probably awake all along.

Sanji kicked the door open then proceeded to puff a smoke from his cigarette. "Oi, Zoro! Don't kill him yet, we gotta know first where they took (y/n)-Schwan! I swear if they touch her, I'll kick them to death!!"

Usopp slapped Sanji arms, which was ignored by him "Oi, Luffy is missing too!" Then he took a step forward to take a look at the face of imposter Luffy. "Woah! you technically got all his features. How the heck did you guys do that?"

Zoro tightened his hold on the imposter below him "That's not important right now Usopp. The question is, where is our captain?! Is he with our crewmate?! Where did you take them?!" He asked anger burned in his eyes.

The imposter was about to say no before he was stepped into the face by Sanji. The cooks look irritated at his lack of words. "Come on! Hurry up and speak!"

Then suddenly, they heard a girl's scream from the other room.

"GET OFF ME!!!! LET ME GO!!!!"

Shit! That means their plan was screwed.


You and Luffy were literally freezing right now.

The room was covered in snow and temperature was dropped so low, your hair became ice cold and both of your skin was already losing its color.

It started off unnoticed at first before you realized that the temperature of the room was dropping until the hard snow started to form on the walls, making it a large freezer for both of you.

"(Y/n).....t-take of m-my clothes a-and put them on! Y-You're freezing....." Luffy said as his lips trembling, trying to keep itself in this harsh temperature.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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