Inventing swear words

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I'm so sorry for late update but got side tracked but here I am

We jumped up and down sqealing about ideas for the sleepover. Although I had to reject a few maybe like. The pocky game or the ChapStick challenge but we agreed to Xbox, just dance, truth or dare annnnd (evil laughs) ghost stories along with horror movies (muhaha). We did invite Alix round although we have no idea if he'll turn up.

Time warp (sorry I know I couldn't help it.)

We were all in the livng room dressed in our pjs. OK now agree with me when ur having a sleepover and there ARE boys isnt it wise not to wear a nightgown, that's what I thought buuut Faith thought it was smart to wear ducking a THIGH high silky v neck nightgown. It was only when Hope told her the problems of wearing something like that but she instead of wearing descent pjs she wore shorts under it. That girl will never learn. Now I'm not saying Hope was wearing anything better but it wasn't as bad. Hope had a long Darth Vader shirt and batman shorts with HUGE teddy slippers (u know the ones that look like ur kicking a bear in the super awkward word that I can't say right, but i call them jigglys instead but can't say it without laughing. No then look it up) after getting dressed in my APPROPRIATE pjs I headed for the stairs where music was blazing. The song was carramel dansen. I danced down the stairs, (yes u can do it don't believe me try it) and found my way to the living room where Vladie was curntly giving piggy back rides to Dani, Ciel betting the shiz out off Alois and I think Tomoe and the two butlers from black butler (seriously try saying dat)where arguing who was better.


) I will update this chapter again my battery is almost out and if you'd like do give comments and suggestions on wha t I should get the characters do xd so tuddles my bowties4bassy.

Aventully we got round to the sleepover events. we started off with just dance 4(SHUT UP DO U KNOW HOW MUCH IT COSTS IN THE UK). Ciel was competting with alois to the time warp and oh if u could find the biggest swore looser then u came to the right place.
Alois " your just a swore looser Phantomhive."
In our games it was the looser stays on(just for tourcher lol XD) and in this case it was Ciel. it didnt matter who he was dancing with he lost.

(a/n) im saving while writing cause ive got an evil nephew on the loose, ive had to write this twice. o-o

The next game was super smash bros and if u have ever heard the amount of swaring coming from one boy and youd be wrong thinking that you cant create new sware words then meet Ciel and Tomoe. Blimie ok tomoe is not a little boy but he was acting like it when up against Ciel. well at least we found something that Ciels good at, being awsome at ssb and inventing bloody swear. I think it was a good idea having Claudia and Sebs on the swearing buttons cause if not me Vlad and Ronnie would be covering the kids and Faiths ears for a looooong time.

We had to leave thoughs two there game cause i was getting a shiz tun of swear words thrown at me when i said we'll change games. so the rest of us played spin the bottle and i ended up so red that im pretty sure Grells hair would be an understatement. Remember when i said i had that little thing for Alois well just wait and read and youll find out.
well Hope thought it would be a BRILLIANT idea to put me and ALOIS DUCKING TRANCY TOGETHER AND HE AGREED, LIKE WAAAAAT!!!!
Our first task was to do a walts pose while having the remote inbetween our hands. and OMC i have never been so scared in my life.(im christian so i will NOT say omg so it omc short for oh my claudeXDoks bk to story)
While in the position i was turning the slight bit pink. Our next task was to have my back againts his chest while he is holding the remote INFRONT OF MY DUCKING CHEST!? SERIOUSLY WHO INVENTED THESE POSITONS. I had wiggle my way out his harm while he tries not to drop the remote. it would be easier if he didnt have that evil smark(yes smark its my combo between dark and smirk so live with it ok)
and his hands where above the top half of my chest but no he had to put them under and i dont mean to be nasty but he doesnt have the longests arms in th world. so i tried making my way out his grip without letting my chest hit his arms or having to slide down him. (OC Iam having nightmares tonight lol =-=) my face turned the next shade of blush during our next task. holding the remote withour chest while huggingish and dropping to our knees and back up. i sware i am going to murdar the inventer oh and my face didnt go any more normal with the next task.
HOLDING THE BLOODY REMOTE WITH OUR NOSE!!! that where my blush let me down. i was red and i mean red and Alois noticed cause the next thing he done way lick my lips. i tried so hard not to move but just couldnt. I shot back with wide eyes and a face like a baboons arse. i dropped the remote putting us out and if you think thst was bad guess who was at the door.


) read the next chapter day 3 pt 2 fights for trust.

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