Tears will fall

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 'm bk yeah ok not exciting but hope u enjoy.

angels PoV

*yamn* I think it's time to head got to wake bright eyed and bushy tailed. As everyone left Soal stayed wanting to say something but before he did he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. I was so confused by his actions. "Please can u take me bk I'm empty without you." I thought you liked Faith.?" I asked a bit muffled. "Hell were cousin have u not figured. " no I just thought you were really close." I admitted expains a bit oh well. " and yeah I'll take you bk." With that he kissed me a as we layed down my head on his chest and are arms wrapped around each other.

//time skip//

ANGEL!!! Get up we got to get rea..oh aww how cut. Spoke very happy Faith. Honestly how can someone be so happy in the morning. "GUYS!! Come look at this. Shouted Faith soon enough the whole crew was in my room and half looked rather pissed from being awoken in an ungodly manor. "Faith why must you shout at this time." I got out off Soals warm comfy arms (I want. To be cuddled Y-Y) and went to get readyAfter shooing everyone out. I pulled out black jeans a black shirt with a blue bow tie with the words
bowties are blue
fezez are red
i love dr who
Now time for bed.
i put on a dark blue hoodie on and galaxy converse on. For finishing touches I had a red bow tie choker and I allied some eyeliner.
Then I headed for Dani and Gabes room to prep air them for they were staying with Faiths mother Jewels and her daughter And son. Poppy and Thessel. I packed there clothes and neccerys along with a few toys. Lucy and Ronny was going to stay to assist. Unlike myself Faith live in a three roomed house with her siblings. Her father passed away from cancer when she was six but her mother has never been able to move on so stayed single. We met in school around primary 2 ( I'm sorry if ur in America but primary is basically pre school or something like it if ur not sure then it's around 5- 12yr olds.).
As I finished packing myself I headed down for breakfast. That's where I saw Jewels and Hopes parents Ruth and Andrew with there youngest son Toby at 11yrs and oldest son Thomas who was 17 ( and hot) anyways.
I had met Hope through Soal when I was about 10yrs old. Ruth had just let go off Hope and came over to me with extended arm welcome me into a hug as we separated she told me to take care and all that jazz and before leaving she told Hope off again. Then I was taken into hugs by Jewels as she reapetivly kissed my head. She glomped Soal and was ready to go but Gabe was latched onto Vladie. "Gabreal you can't keep clinging on your getting to old for this come on Jewels is waiting. Gabreal let out a muffled "no" from within Vladies neck. "Gabreal please Ron will be there. "No he's not the same" with tears ready to fall. Oh no oh please no. "YOUR NOT MY MUM IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" With that he stormed out of the living room and up to his room where he slammed the door with a lot of force. "Gabe why must you be like this" and it's true ever since mum died he has clung to Vlad like a leach but in all honesty Vlad was attached to him it was absolutely adorable and is heart break splitting them. But it was not the time. When Gabreal didn't like something then he didn't do it. "Vlad could you try talk some sense into him." As Vlad left alois and Ciel both asked why they where so close.
well after mum died he became attached to Vlad they've always been close but the death changed him a lot and Vlad always seemed to cheer him up. Soon enough Vlad would have to cuddle with him and take care it's cute but it can't stay like it.
Tears were now at the corner of my eyes threatening to spill.

I had finally reached his room I knock with no awnser so I slowly entered what I saw made my heart sink. Vlad was on his knees with Gabreal on his bed hugging Vladimear while crying his eyes out.

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