Tea parties and Heart breaks

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  Guess who was at the door....... The Doctor (ha lol I wish) Nope it was Alexander the one and only my ex fiancé, man if you thought ciel or Alois could be scarey, well meet the one person who can.
Alilx stood there eyes filled with betrail. He turned on his heel to leave but before he could Faith had me covered. "Hey Alix I've got chocolate cake annnnnd *puts on a pink hat* I think it's time for a tea party " she sang. His ear perked up and he looked at me then at the hat on faiths head. And in a cold dark voice chilling anybody who doesn't know him, he said....."time for a tea party.* as he sang the last part a figure from behind the door his faithful butler *cough* and complete hotty(wait did she just write that OK bad Angel bad no cookies)
I ttaped his shoulder he spun round to look at me. "Can I help you.?" At these words I am pretty sure I saw a knife go through my head with the way he was glaring. "I'm I'm sorry about you know, we where playing spin the bottle and..."
After explaing he lightened up that little bit and I do see Alois cower when ever he's close to AAlix. OK well imagen this if you had kissed the ex fiancé of someone who attitude was 3x the amount of ciels then yeah you'd be cowering and as Alix lost his parents recently well it just makes it a whole lot worse.oh and did I mention ciel turned grumpy aaaaand Alilx he has been like this since forever so that's bad considering he is on the schools boxing and kirate club so he IS strong.

(Ok the next paragraph is about him and his personality's so u can skip it if u don't care about his oh and I'm thinking on changing his name.)

Soal Polterguist (Alix) head of the Polterguist family and head of the Ghostly clothing line for men. They sell trech coats to leather jeans not to forget the best merchindice around. He also thee lead singer in our band with Melody Vulcan and Joyce Vulcan are the background singers. (I'll explain those two later) Faith on piano or violin and me and Hope shredding the guitars. He has has shoulder length black hair with bleached white side fringe, His eyes are an emarld green and his skin is like snow. OK he is absolutly goreguse. He wears dark greens and black. His voice is deep and I'm pretty sure he has the slight thing for Faith but who knows right.
Now for Melody and Joyce. They are twins not just any soals older twins. But they have different father from Soals. Theyre hair is a redish brown consisting of black at the bottom. Theyre eyes are green and they are close friends. Now reason of not mentioning is because they are away down in England attending an all girls acadamy named St Caspa school which I will be attending shortly. OK you heard of the move St Trinian's well picture that school then 10x the amount of cracray then we'll St Caspa is the school.

Anyways. The sleepover was a breeze after that. Namina and Faith done each others hair and nails. Everyone had settled down to tell scary stories and watch some horror movies, cloudy with the chance of meetballs was first (ha lol Nope) kidding it was annibel and ciel was clinging for dear life onto Sebastian. Namina was under the covers with faith but me and the rest well just guawking at the tv, but I did snap a PIC of ciel and Sebastian (I sirport sebaciel and that is my only ship rule one I HATE Lizzy so sorry if u like her buuut I can't stand her). The tomorrow is the last day of summer so I have to go down to England to be ready for school. Well to be honest I don't like having to move to England untill the holidays but my mother went to this school and so did every other female on both my father's and mothers side. So I must keep the traditional. I have a small Manton down there for obvious reasons there are a few maids that work there to. My Aunt Rosemary lives there with her two sons Victor and Vincent and her nephew John. Soal will be attending the Frittons school for all boys and both Hope and Faith are tagging along with me to St Caspa.

Reada the next cchapter to see the school events with Angel ciel Alois and the rest see u soon and thank you soooooo much for the heart. My one and only heart so thank u and to all u readers too so I must scram but love you byes.  

Black butler x Kamisama kissOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant