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We walk to school in a deafening quiet, with only the audible sound being the click click that echoes as our feet hit the metallic ground of the loft. I decide to break the silence as we round the corner and begin climbing the stairs from the overhang into the cool autumn air.

"Tori, I don't know why you won't talk to me, but this isn't a time to be angry."

She shoots me a glare and says nothing.

"I don't understand why this is bothering you more than its bothering me."

Still, nothing escapes her mouth (which she doesn't even open).

"Tori, you have to listen. If I'm drafted, I don't want to leave without you saying anything to me. If I'm not, I might just go anyway because you obviously could care less if I'm here."

It's not the truth, but it gets her to talk.

"I could care less?!" She cries, sounding as though her anger was bottled up and she was aching to let it out. "Aero, I want you to stay here."

I slowly smile. "I knew you did."

She frowns and shakes her head. "This isn't funny,"

"I don't see why not."

"Can't you tell that I'm pissed? Can't you tell that this is bothering me?!"

I smile harder. "Nope, I didn't notice."

She lashes out again. "Aero! Listen up! I don't get why this is so funny, but I'm really not laughing."

My smile disappears. "I know, I know. But I don't want this to stress you out so much. Just play it by ear, Tori. Please."

A small tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm not the impulsive type, Aero. Being impulsive can get you killed."

She gives me a look. For the second time today, she's brought up Paul or Dad, but I can't tell which she's referring to due to the similar "fates" they had. I don't reply, and to her, that means she's won the argument.

She hasn't.

* * *

My class is shifty. You can see the nervous looks in everyone's eyes. The ground seems to pulsate whenever someone adjusts their seating or lurches in their chair. Everyone's heartbeats are in unison, but they're also going too fast.

Drafting day is obviously a joy.

The silence followed me from the moment Tori got the last words. It followed me down the street and past the shimmering solar panels that provide power to the loft. It followed me over the bridge of the artificial lake that was built for "scenic and recreational purposes." It followed me into school, and culminated with the rest of the silence that had surely followed my classmates here.

However, Blake brings with him a sarcastic tone, and it scares away the silence. The door opens, and everyone looks to see if it's the official. But it's my best friend, and I know that at least my heartbeat begins to ease back down to normal.

"Why is it so... quiet?"

Blake knows just how to ease his way into anything. Everyone laughs, and Blake takes his seat next to me.

"Aero," he smirks. "Are you scared ?"

I grin back. "The only thing I'm scared of is your face."

Blake frowns. "You must not have any mirrors at home, then, because I know  that it's not as bad as yours."

More laughter erupts from the class. Blake is well-liked, and I guess I am too, when I'm around him.

Everyone feels at ease, and they begin their usual banter as if today isn't even a big deal.

Even though it is.

Blake leans in and speaks to me in a hushed tone. "So... if you're drafted, are you going to tell her?"

I don't catch his drift until after I've spoken, so I sound stupid.

"Tell who what...?"

Blake chuckles. "Valeria Turner, dude. Who else ?"

I've realized it just as he says it, and I consider this for a moment. "I dunno, I guess."

"You guess? She's like, your best friend man. If you're going to war, she deserves a proper goodbye."

I nod. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe, even if I'm not drafted, I'll tell her anyway."

Blake shakes his head. "No, if you're not drafted the time isn't right... fate isn't in the groove that will allow her to like you back. If you're not drafted and you 'tell her anyway,' she'll hate you forever. It's just how the world works."

The door opens again, and this time, to our dismay, it's the official. She steps in her high heels, black skirt swooshing at her sides, into the middle of the classroom and claps her hands once.

As if we weren't already  silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Madame Inchcape's homeroom, please listen closely. I'd rather not repeat myself."

Everyone's ears are listening, woman. Get on with the charade.

"Of the seventeen males eligible in this classroom, four will be drafted this fine morning."

We're waiting.

"First and foremost..." she pauses to flip a page on the clipboard she's carrying. "Blake Lively! Please, stand up as I call your names."

Blake looks at me with a cheeky grin as he rises from his seat.

"Horne Lapworth."

A large boy struggles from his seat and stands.

"Griffin Quest, and, finally," she flips a page again.

My heart is pounding out of my chest.

"Aero Rank."

She said my name.

I stand.

The woman crosses to Blake first, and asks for his left arm. He extends it, and she injects him with a syringe. He cringes with an even larger smile than the one he gave me after he was drafted.

As the lady moves towards me, she explains what she's doing. I extend my arm, and the needle slowly moves towards it.

"This is a tracker."


"We can't have any draft dodgers, so we've got to have a way to monitor you for the next twenty four hours before your departure."

The needle is removed from my arm. It aches, but not as much as a feeling deep inside me.

The woman injects the other students and asks for us out in the hall. We follow her.

"Report to the Equity Building at eight o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. From there, you will be transported to the training loft for preparation for deployment. You'll get more details there, but we can locate you at a moment's notice, so please don't make it difficult and show up on time."

Blake stifles a laugh. "We'll try."

The woman ignores him.

"We are excited for a new batch of soldiers. Please say your goodbyes today. We'll see you soon."

We reenter the class, and Blake leans over to whisper to me.

"Aero, I always knew we'd end up in hell."

I'm terrified, but I laugh anyway.

INSOLENCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora