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The crooked day only got worse after I was drafted.

Lunch wasn't too great either.

I was bombarded by people, who all wanted to know my thoughts, feelings, and ideas about going to the Below. Several asked me to write to them. Several wished me luck. Everyone tried to comfort me.

But only one person would be able to, because Tori was still mad at me while all of this went on.

After school, I found her siting alone on the bench. So I sat next to her.

Valeria looked up. "Hey."

I nodded to her. "Hey."

She resumed looking at the ground. "So you were drafted."

I slowly begin nodding. "Yeah."

She swallows. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

She says nothing, and somehow the silence manages to find me here. I just let it happen.

When it feels right, I decide to speak again.

"If anyone should be sorry, it's me."

She's confused.

"I don't want to leave you here."

She forces a laugh.

"You're apologizing for something that's out of your control...? Wow Aero."

I laugh along with her, but say nothing after we're done sharing what little happiness we seem to have.

"Maybe this isn't the right time, then." I say.

She lifts her head slowly, and her eyes meet mine.

This is the right time.

"Right time?"

I say nothing, and tell her the way that feels best.

* * *

When I arrive through the front door, my mom is sitting at the table, gripping the edges. She looks calm at first glance, but she isn't. Her head snaps to my direction as I shut the door.

I take a deep breath.

"I was drafted."

She releases her grip on the table and her eyes begin to gloss over. She stands and rushes in to hug me. I graciously accept.

When she finishes, she turns on her heel and heads down the hallway, into her room.

I hear it close quietly, and her muffled sobs make their way to me.

Even so, it seems that silence has followed me back home.

The door opens again. Tori.

She sees me and pastes a glare on her face the moment she makes eye contact.


I shake my head and step towards her, and follow my mom's example. I hug Tori longer than I hugged my mom.

Probably because Tori chooses to cry on my shoulder rather than in private.

I don't cry, though, because I'm in shock. Words cannot do my feelings justice.

However, it would be a privilege to cry.

I would like to go back to the moment in time that crying could heal my pains.

But it looks like I won't be going there for a while.

* * *
I don't sleep.

I stare at the ceiling and wait for 7:30 AM to come, so that I can begin getting ready. It won't take my idle mind off of things, but it will give me something to do.

I wonder about Valeria, and if she'll reply to my letters. I wonder if the kiss broke her heart, or if it mended it.

I wonder about my mother, and pray that I will come home safely so that she won't lose everyone but her daughter.

I wonder about Tori.

I wonder about Tori the longest of all my wonderings.

And 7:30 comes too quickly.

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