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For the rest of the day, we do extensive strength training and weapons clinics. The Overseer informs us that we're only going to be here one week, but the program involves diet, sleep patterns and all of the physical stuff we've been doing recently. Apparently, the food promotes muscle growth and contains a lot of protein.

Maybe that's why it tastes so bland.

He also says that most days in the Below, we won't be in combat, and we will continue to train every night with our fellow squad members. They want us out there as soon as possible, so they've created the "best way possible" to prepare us for what's to come.

I still wonder why it's so helpful to kill so many people.

But I also wonder if Paul and my father were just wasted by an Overseer like Winston, and the government just told us they died a heroic death. It wouldn't surprise me.

Specter, for the rest of the afternoon, is asking me for help plotting Winston's end. He eventually comes to the conclusion that he just needs to get in a situation like the catwalks today when he has the chance to suddenly kill the Overseer. But instead of telling him he could just kill him, he does.

I still can't believe my new friend wants to go through with this.

"Once Winston's gone," he says between reps, "It's up to you and I to rally the other drafts and stand up to the officials. They can't kill us all, can they?"

I'm not so sure. "They could. They could kill us all and pull an 'emergency draft' situation. Simple as that."

Specter shakes his head. "The president has to approve that. Not just anyone can call one of those."

"She'd probably just kill whoever ordered the drafts dead before she called one. Specter, I know you hate him, but I think this needs more planning."

"We don't have time for planning! Every day we wait is one more moment he has to kill someone. I don't want anyone else to die."

I disagree. "You'll have to learn that people are going to die, Specter. We're going to war."

"People at war don't - and shouldn't - die like this."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Aero, that Winston is killing members of his own team. The people at war who die shouldn't die at all, but when they do they should die at the hands of the opposing force."

"Maybe you're right," I say.

I don't think he's right.

"First chance I get," Specter decides. "I'm going to take him down."

I chuckle. "You do that."

He realizes he sounded kind of silly. He loosens up.

"You know I will."

I decide to change the subject. "I can't wait to be able to write letters to our families."

"Me too. I already have so much to tell them."

"It'd be a shame if they didn't hear from you, you know."

He raises an eyebrow.

"If you go through with your plan, they'll probably kill you if you're not already dead. How does a dead man write to his family?"

Specter looks me straight on. "If I die, Aero, please write to them and explain that I died with a cause."

"I can't," I reply. "I'd need your fingerprint to log in."

"Tomorrow morning, I'll bring my pad over and disable the automatic log out in the settings so you'll be able to contact them if I can't."

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