Don't be afraid, Sophie

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    Sophie shook her head at Edaline. "No, it's fine. I don't need a new dress."

    Edaline sighed. "When will you ever wear something nicer?" Edaline smiled and hugged Sophie. "We'll be home soon. Oh, and Fitz and Biana called. They want to come over."

    Sophie nodded. "Can Dex and Keefe come, too?"

    "Sure," Edaline replied. "Grady and I might be out for a while. Have fun!"

    Edaline conjured up a silver platter of some sort of delicious-smelling bread cracker and leaped away.

    As soon as Edaline had left, Sophie pulled out her Imparter, hailing Biana.

    "Hey, Biana!" Sophie stifled a snicker when she saw Fitz and Keefe arguing over... a box? Sophie dismissed the thought and focused on Biana.

    "Sophie!" Biana hissed. "Come over! Please! The boys are so annoying! Save me, now!"

    "Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming," Sophie replied. "See you there."

    Sophie shut off her Imparter and got ready to go, bringing a bag filled with the delicious bread cracker.

    Sophie went outside, shivering against the cold wind. She ran up to a bluff, jumping over the edge as soon as she got to the peak. Free-falling, Sophie concentrated and opened up a rip in the air in front of her, falling into the Void.  

    Everglen, thought Sophie, immediately feeling the light breeze of Everglen lifting up her hair and the sunlight glaring in her face.

    "There you are!" cried Biana, running over to Sophie and hugging her tightly. "They're driving me insane!"

    Sophie laughed, hugging her back. "Hey, Biana. Good to see --"

    Biana cut her off. "Er, you know that game we played last time? Where Fitz took soooooo long to ask the question? Yeah? Well, can we continue it? I'm dying to know your answer to the question!"   Biana grinned.

    Sophie nodded, forgetting what the question was. "You mean Truth or Dare? Sure. It would be nice to do something with you guys after all the drama of..." Sophie let her words dangle in the air. Since the time she had revealed to Fitz she had a crush on him, he seemed to be avoiding her. Or maybe it was just her imagination. Either way, Sophie wanted to see him and her friends again.

    Biana looked confused. "What drama? Never mind, come on inside! My room had a total makeover!" Biana dragged Sophie inside, where Sophie saw the 'box' she thought the boys were arguing over was a trunk of -- Sophie was pulled away before she could see what was inside. 

    "See? Isn't it great? I just looove the waterfall!"

    Sophie looked around. Biana's room had been completely redone, with a trickling waterfall in the corner of the room. The walls had been repainted dark blue with streaks of green, lighter blue, and magenta through the solid color. It reminded Sophie of the Aurora Borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights. In another corner of the room a plush white couch with the fluffiest pillows Sophie had ever seen took up a large area. Biana's giant bed had been moved to a different side; the other side was a dressing table and fully stocked makeup cabinet. Sophie wanted to roll her eyes. Biana was just about the only person Sophie knew, other than Keefe, to pay so much attention to their appearance. Fortunately, Biana was a great person, and not a snob like Stina.

    "Do you like it?" Biana was beaming. "And look! Press this," Biana pushed a panel in the wall Sophie hadn't noticed, "and the waterfall opens up!" It was true. The water cleared a path as just wide enough for Sophie to slip though, leading to a brightly lit cavern with wisps of violet fabric along the walls, highlighting the room's plush black decor. (Sorry for taking up so much space describing the room. I'm done now.)

    Sophie heard a knock against the door. "Who is it?" Biana called.

    "Just us," came the reply. Two heads poked around the doorway. One dark-haired and one dirty-blonde.

    "Hey Keefe," Biana smiled brightly at him. Sophie couldn't help but notice the way Biana tucked her hair behind her ear and fluttered her eyelashes slightly. Did Biana have a crush on Keefe?

    "Is Sophie here?" asked Fitz, searching the room until he found her leaning against the wall. "Ah. Hi, Sophie."

    Sophie blinked and didn't meet his gaze. "Hey, Fitz." A silence stretched until Keefe spoke up. "So, what are you doing here, Sophie?"

    "Biana wanted me to come over," Sophie responded.

    Keefe nodded. "Cool. Well, since we're all here," he stepped into the room, "wanna play Truth or Dare?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

    Sophie laughed. "Sure. Biana was actually asking to play that, too." Biana smiled and fluttered her eyelashes more.

    "Alright. Everyone, get in a circle," Fitz gestured to the soft, leaf-like green carpet. They all sat down and ran their fingers over the silky flowers interlaced in the design. Biana noticed Sophie looking at them. "I hope you don't mind. I took the idea from your room," Biana blushed.

    "It's totally fine. So, whose turn was it last time?" Sophie asked them.

    "I think it was mine," Fitz replied, clearing his throat. "My question was," his eyes flicked towards Sophie, I think you know what it really was, "what are you afraid of?"

    Sophie swallowed. She had thought the question Fitz had asked her telepathically was hard, but asking what she was afraid of? This would be difficult. "I don't really know," she admitted.

    Keefe pretended to gasp. "What? The Mysterious Ms. F doesn't know what she's scared of? How is this possible?"

    Biana looked away. "Well, if she really doesn't know then I guess that's the truth. So it's her turn now."

    But Sophie wasn't listening. She was transmitting to Fitz, I know I probably shouldn't have lied, but you're the only person I've ever shared this with.

    It's fine. I guess I wasn't thinking when I asked that question. Fitz blushed.

    Sophie smiled. You're the only person that knows I'm afraid of being afraid.

    Haha, good one. I suppose that's the best fear then, isn't it?

    I guess.

   Fitz nudged her shoulder. Hopefully no one finds out what you're afraid of. That could be bad.


    Keefe cleared his throat. "Hello? Foster, it's your turn. Pick someone."

    *Wow! That was a long chapter (kinda)! Thanks for holding out for me, guys. It's hard finding scenarios that work with the dare. More updates coming soon! Maybe even two chapters in one day for your Christmas present. Sound good?*


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