Dead To All Of Us

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Ezra and Sabine ran deeper into the complex, somewhere on Utapau. They were breathing hard, and Sabine was limping behind Ezra, as they ran from the Imperial Commandos. They were stuck in an old abandoned prison complex, which had seen better days. As for Ezra and Sabine, they weren't doing much better. Sabine had the worse of it, with a blaster bolt having shot clean through her left leg, and fracturing it completely. She whimpered along as Ezra helped her limp through the hallways. Her good arm and eyes still worked, and she was able to outgun every  stormtrooper they had run into around every corner. She knew her luck wouldn't last. Ezra had lost his commlink, and Sabine had hers jammed. Sabine was out of grenades, and her blasters on their last legs of charge. The Empire closing in, they turned another corner.

"Sabine, I need you to stay with me. Just keep running."

Sabine just cringed and made various noises indicating how hard it is to run with a fractured leg.

They turned another corner, and skidded to a stop. A dead end. To their right was a closed blast door.

"Fuck!" They cursed in unison. They turned around and saw the commandos cover the only hope of escape.

As they raised their blasters, but Ezra quickly shot a nearby control panel with his Saber blaster  and the blast doors separated the two groups.

"Ezra, that won't hold them!"

"I know that, just check your comms again."

Sabine fumbled for her commlink, and nothing but static came. A large thud turned their attention back to the door keeping them alive, as it almost collapsed.

"We're going to die here, are we?"

Looking around, Sabine sighed, ignoring his question.

"I really don't know, Sabine. I'm just really afraid."

Another thud.

Ezra looked at Sabine's helmet, as she slid down unto the ground. Ezra slid down next to her. They watched as the Ray shield Cutter slowly but surely cut the door off the hinges. The lights flickered above.

"Did you have any regrets?"

Sabine sighed, popping off her helmet.

"We're not going to die, Ezra. Don't speak like that."

"It's a simple question, and whether or not we die, I'd like to know." Even in the face of death, Ezra hadn't changed.

"Yeah, I do. About 5."

"And what would those be?"

"Well, what are they?"

Sabine hesitated. The door was about 25% breached, and their comms still weren't working. She had to admit, the odds looked grim. Deathly so.
She bit her lip in thought. She opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it. She simply leaned over to Ezra, and kissed him. His eyes widened, and then closed as he returned it. Breaking off, Sabine spoke again.

"I really like you, Ezra. I'm just so sad that we had to die for me to figure that out."

"It's okay, Sabine. You're getting out of here."

It was Sabine's turn to be surprised, as Ezra stood up, and lifted his arm. His brow furrowed, and Sabine felt a tingly feeling as if she were doing something, but she wasn't. She knew it only when Ezra or Kanan hsed the Force, the entity which bound all. Ezra focused further and the locked blast door opened up. He mouthed the word 'Go', and Sabine shook her head. Ezra had no time to argue with her, as the door was almost broken. He lifted her with the Force as she flailed her limbs uselessly, in complete silence. He threw her into the room and let the blast doors close. He drew his hand to his Lightsaber and grasped it firmly. He brought it up and a familiar hum accompanied that blue glow as it shot from his hands. His eyes narrowed, and the blast door fell. He whispered something just before he deflected the first shot into the ground.

"Run, Sabine."

Multiple Stormtroopers stood at the entrance, and fired. They were out of sync, and Ezra was able to block each one with relative ease. The blast door was open just a crack, and Sabine watched.

He's going to be okay! They haven't even touched him!

One by one, the low quality Stormtroopers fell. Then, he heard it.
One of the troopers, hiding behind a corner yelled it.

'Bring the Gatling Cannon!'

A trooper walked in and, clad in legitimately effective armor, which seemed akin to a mix of the Clone ARC trooper and the Imperial Commando, he raised his insanely large weapon.

Sabine's eyes widened. A slight whisper left her lips, a soft exclamation.


The barrel began to spin, and blaster bolts began to fire.

2 bolts per second.

Ezra was keeping up, deflecting each successive shot into the surroundings.

10 bolts per second.

Ezra had resorted to using the force to stop the extra bolts, which only tired him further.

20 bolts per second.

Ezra had backed into the wall, and took a shot to the leg. He dropped on his left knee, and kept going. Many of the bolts were far from their mark, but at their speed, Ezra was still having some trouble.

40 bolts per second.

Ezra took another to the left arm, which ran limp. He limped forward into the fire, and closed his eyes. He jumped upward on just one leg, and swung around and deflected the next bolt straight into the barrel. It exploded, and he dropped to the ground as the last bolt shot clean through his upper chest, slightly to the left. The explosion blocked off the enclosed area from the rest of the ship, preventing further incursion by the imperials.
There was nothing left for them to do, so the troopers simply left, after seeing Ezra's body.
Once they had left the complex, the jamming signal stopped, and Sabine's commlink beeped with life. It fell on deaf ears, as she was rewiring the panel on her side to reopen the blast doors that protected her. She ran to Ezra's body, and lifted him into her lap.

"Oh God, Ezra, please be okay!"

He coughed up blood, which splattered across her chest and helmet. She pulled her helm off, and leaned closer. Ezra's voice was weak, his breath shallow, his heart slow.

"Sabine...Here, take this." He coughed some more, blood leaking from the bolt hole, despite the fact that the laser cauterized it instantly. He placed his Lightsaber into her back pocket, and brought his hand up to her face.

"You're making it, Ezra."

"No, I'm not."

Sabine, let the tears flow from her eyes, and closed the space between them. Her lips crashed with his, and his tongue explored her mouth. He fit into her like a puzzle piece, and felt resigned to death, now that he had done that once more. They broke away, and Ezra spoke again.

"I love you, Sabine. I always will. Remember me..."

His voice trailed off as his hand dropped to the ground limply. His eyes closed, and his breathing became inaudible, and his chest stopped moving, and Sabine felt cold inside.

Her eyes widened and she dug herself into his shoulder. She cried and cried, and her comms just faded out like a broken record.

"Ghost to Spectre 5. Spectre 5, respond! Spectre 5, where are you! Sabine!"

Lifting her head. She pulled her comm out.

"Spectre 5, reporting in."

Her voice was breaking, and there were sobs breaking up her words.

"We've located you, Spectre 5. Sorry for the late entry. Just sit tight, we'll be there for pick up."

Sadly, Kanan, Hera, and Zeb didn't know just how late they were.

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