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The Ghost shot down the wall behind them, as Zeb in the rear turret mowed down the last trooper. Zeb back flipped over the seat, and went to join Kanan in at the door. Hera was in the ship, calibrating for escape. Kanan brought his hand to his commlink and radioed to Hera.

"Bring down the bay doors, Hera. Time to bring Ezra and Sabine back home."

She pressed a red button to her right side, and the door slowly lowered onto the floor. The scene they welcomed into view was not pretty. Blood and blast scorch marks covered the entire wall. So much blood. In the middle of this ex-hellscape, was Sabine. She was on her knees, bawling her eyes out. Her helmet had the visor drenched in blood, and was crudely thrown to the side. Her comm held a blue glow as it beeped away on the floor. On Sabine's lap, was a boy.
His head lay on her legs, lifeless and immobile. His right arm was draped over his chest, and his left just sat on the ground. This image was forever burned into Kanan's mind. After a split second of taking the scene in and adjusting to the light, Kanan's eyes widened, and he leaped off the ramp towards Sabine. He landed roughly and stumbled over to her, running. She silently continued sobbing into Ezra's chest. Now that he was closer, his fears were confirmed.

That was Ezra.

"No! No, Zeb get over here! Oh God..."

Zeb ran over, and felt his heart drop when he saw Ezra.


Sabine hugged him tighter, and receded. Her grip remained like iron.

Hera had arrived at the ramp, and saw the group gathered around something. As she approached she saw.

"What's wrong gu- Oh God."

After a minute of silence, they decided that he would be buried on Lothal.

Zeb had to pry Sabine's hands from Ezra, before picking his body up. They took him back inside.

As they sat in the Hub room, the group crowded around Sabine. Hera walked back to the pilots cabin, and set coordinates for Lothal.

Meanwhile, Sabine had to recount the horrendous experience.

"We were cornered into a room. Ezra forced me into a nearby blast shielded room, and went to face the troopers." Her voice slightly wavered.

"How'd they get him? I thought he could stop blaster bolts?"

"He was doing fine, but then one came with a gatling. It was just too much." Her voice cut off and just degressed into slight sobbing. She buried her head in her arms.

Zeb went to touch her, but Kanan stopped his hand, and shook his head.

"That's enough, Sabine. You don't have to tell us anymore if you don't want to."

They went to the deck, and he tapped Hera's shoulder.

"I think you should go talk to her. Zeb and I are getting nowhere."

She had just finished calculations for Hyperspace, when another ship dropped out of Hyperspace, and crashed into them.

"What the hell!"

The Ghost's lights went down, and were replaced by an emergency red.

"That's not good. Power's out."

Sabine had snapped out of it, and now had taken Ezra's lightsaber and shoved it down her chest plate, under her armor.

As the ship whirled back down onto Utapau, more Imperial ships dropped out of hyperspace. They gave chase to the falling Ghost, and Kanan sensed it. On his stolen Imperial comm, he heard those damning words.

'Prepare for mid flight recovery. That is a Correlian Rebel craft, and I want it.'

Those words were those of the Inquisitors. Sith.

"We're abandoning ship. Get Chopper!"

"What!? Kanan, we can't abandon the ship!"

"She's right, Kanan, everything we have is on here!"

"But Ezra's body is still here! Kanan, we can't leave him!"

"We are falling Zeb! They're going to attempt a mid flight boarding, and none of us will survive it. Now go!"

Zeb went after Chopper as Hera prepped the Phantom. Now that Chopper was in the room, and they all headed towards the Phantom, when Kanan realized that Sabine wasn't here. Hera had just initiated the release sequence when he turned around and alerted her.

"We left Sabine!"

"The sequence doesn't stop, Kanan!"
His eyes widened with fear. Twice in less than 72 hours.

Sabine was on the other side of the ship, with Ezra in her arms. She ran across the deck, and leaped to get into the Phantom, when it launched off, flipping into the air. As Sabine was left alone with Ezra's corspe, the Ghost was boarded.

She whipped her head towards the Inquisitors, and her head fell. One of the Inquisitors took Ezra's body, and she screamed. She quickly drew a blaster and fired at him, which he easily blocked. He turned and picked her up with the Force and began to choke her.


"What makes you think you have a right to this body?"

She gargled as her trachea was being crushed. Her limbs swung around in a desperate attempt to stop the choking.

"Lord Vader will want you alive. Bait is always useful. As for this corspe, it will make good dinner. The meat of the young is always quite so tender. I'm lucky that he died so recently, and that you were kind enough to freeze him for me."

"You bastard! You won't eat Ezra!"

"Of course I won't. This slab of meat doesn't have a name. It's a worthless animal, good for nothing but death."
Sabine began to sob, as she was cuffed and fell to her knees.

She had been captured.

Run, Sabine!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin