Chapter Two

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As I got closer to the Cullen's home, I could see Carlisle and Alice already there waiting.  I must be blocking her visions, I thought to myself, looking at Alice's annoyed face.  While Alice had nothing against the Werewolves, I knew we bothered her when we showed up unannounced.  I slowed my pace as I got closer to the Cullen's home, careful not to damage the wings of the girl I held in my arms.  

 As soon as Carlisle saw me he was at my side. "What have you got yourself into Seth?" he asked me, his eyes giving away his curiosity even though his tone was that of a concerned parent.

"i'm not sure." I replied. "I was just doing my usual rounds when I saw her fall from the sky."

"Put her on the couch in the living room.  Do you know what happened?" Carlisle asked, not looking away from the beautiful creature in my arms. 

"I heard a gunshot and then saw her fall, I'm not sure where she's hit though, I brought her straight to you." I said as I carefully set her down.  I didn't want to let her out of my arms, but I knew Carlisle needed space to help her. 

When I was no longer touching her I could think more clearly.  "What is she?" I asked watching Carlisle make quick work of the girls wounds.

"I have no idea.  But, she looks like -"

"An angel?" Alice suggested, leaning on the doorframe. 

"Have you ever seen anything like her?" I asked Alice eagerly.

"No, but with the wings and her completely innocent face, one would come to that conclusion." She said, not unkindly. 

"I have so many questions for her." Carlisle said as he walked towards us.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked, suddenly feeling guilty for taking my eyes off her. 

"She should be fine.  But I've never seen anything like her before, so I'm not sure how something like her heals.  She's obviously tougher than a human though, I can see her smaller wounds already healing."

"Where was she shot?  I couldn't tell through the blood." I winced as I said that, it felt wrong to remember her looking so fragile.  I looked over to the small figure on the couch.  She already looked better, and Carlisle had cleaned most of the blood off her. 

"It went though her shoulder and pierced one of her wings.  Neither injuries will cause perminent damage."

"I should go contact the others.  She may look innocent, but I'll feel safer when there are more of us here." Alice said and began walking upstairs. 

"Your right, she looks harmless, but we can't be sure that she is." Carlisle said.

I looked at the motionless girl, I couldn't believe that something as beautiful as her could do anything but make this world better, but I didn't say anything out loud.  Carlisle was already helping me, without any question as to why it meant anything to me. 

Carlisle turned to me, "I'm glad you brought her straight here Seth," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.  "I don't think many of the other wolves take to new beings as well as you do, and I think you may have saved her life.  The person who shot her must have known what she was.  Or else they were a foolish human who doesn't care much for finding out what he is targeting."

I nodded back at him.  The I thought of the kind of person who would want to hurt someone like her, and it gave me chills. 

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