Chapter Five

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I was happy to find that I wouldn't have to choose between finding my brother and finding out about myself.  As much as I want to find my brother, the temptation of finding out what I really am is almost too much to bear. 

As Carlisle asked me countless questions about what I was and what I could do, my mind began to wander and I realized Seth had left.  I was wondering where he went when Carlisle's next question broke through my thoughts.  

"Sorry? I was thinking about something." I told him, embarrassed.

"It's no problem, I've asked you a lot of questions. I was just wondering how old you were when you were changed."

"Sixteen", I replied. 

"Do you remember what happened? Or do you remember the first few years of what you became?" He continued.

"I don't like to remember it." I said, looking at my hands. 

"Alight," he said kindly, "I think I have enough to start with anyway.  One last thing though, would you mind if I took some of your blood?  I want to test it and see what I can find."

"Sure," I replied, not really noticing when he left to get a needle, I was too busy remembering.  I did jump when he touched my shoulder though, and Carlisle gasped and pulled his hand away in surprise.

"What was that?" he asked in wonder.

"That was...well the Guardians I live with call it a gift.  I can give people memories.  But I can also make people forget.  The memories that I take from people don't really go away.  They stay with me, and sometimes I get overwhelmed with all of the memories I have from other people and I just remember.  What you just experienced was someone elses memory."

"It feels like something that actually happened to me, but I know I never had a cat named Bertie." Carlisle said, looking perplexed and amazed at the same time. 

"It will go away in a while." I said to him, "You only touched me for a moment, and I wasn't trying to give you that memory."

"Why do you take memories from people? It dosen't sound like you enjoy having them." Carlisle said to me.  

"When I was first turned, I couldn't control my girft, and I took many peoples memories, and I couldn't give them back.  By the time I had controlled my gift enough to give back memories, most of the people I had taken them from had left and I couldn't find them, or they had already died."

"Why didn't Seth get any memories from you when he was carrying you?" Carlisle asked.

"When I'm alsleep I am free of anyones memories but my own, and I'm glad, because even though I have grown used to this gift, it can sometimes be hard to remember whose memories belong to who."

"Interesting" said Carlisle, sinking deep into thought. 

"Anyway, where did Seth go?" I asked, wondering how I could have missed him leaving. 

"He had to go back to his pack, he said he would be back tomorrow."

"When will your family be back?"

"Tonight," he said, "which reminds me, I'll be right back." and Carlisle departed up the stairs.

While Carlisle was gone I started exploring the house.  It seemed like a normal enough house, and I was still wary about the idea of a whole family of vegetarian vampires.  

I entered a new room and to my delight, in the middle of the room sat a piano.  I loved pianos.  It was something my brother and I had always wanted to learn, and I had spent years perfecting my skill so that one day I would be able to show him. 

As I admired it from the door, I was shaken from my thoughts by a bubbly "Hello" and a hug from someone the same height as myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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