Chapter Four

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"What is a Guardian?" I asked.

"I'm not entirely sure," she said, "and I'm not even a full Guardian" she continued, "I don't - ", she was cut off suddenly by a bright flash and a sound that reminded me of shifting.  I threw my arms in front of my eyes, but the light was gone in a moment. 

"What the..." I started, but stopped when I realised the girl was lying on the floor, unconcious.  Carlisle and I rushed over to her and I picked her up. "Is she alright?  What happened?  Where are her wings?" I asked Carlisle feverently.   

"I have no idea Seth, I saw just as much as you did." Carlisle said, examining her back.  "Put her down, but on her side." I did as I was told and gasped at what I saw. 

On her back were two ragged scars reaching from her shoulder blades to her lower back, almost like a "V", but they didn't touch at the bottom. 

We didn't get to discuss things any further as the girl was starting to come to.  She stretch and turned over, and this time when our eyes met, I was entirely sure why I cared for this girl so much.  She was my mate. 


Changing after being wounded was always particularly painful, and this Change was more painful than all of them but my first.  Unless I was in the sky, my wings were a burden to walk around with, but it was impossible to Change while either of my wings were wounded.  I was stranded in my Guardian form until my wounds healed. 

As I woke, I stretched and I was happy to find that I felt much better now that I was healed and back to my normal self.  I turned over and was met by that same pair of eyes that made me feel so safe.  Something had changed in them though.  It wasn't a bad change, looking into them, I felt as if I was the only person in the world.  It felt right. 

"What's your name?" Seth asked me. 

"Elsie" I replied, taking his hand as he helped me sit up, and he sat down beside me. 

Carlisle cleared his throat and I looked away from Seth and blushed. 

"Can you explain what just happened?" Carlisle asked.

"I-uhh..." I studdered

"He means about your wings," Seth said quietly.

"Oh," I said, "I can change from Guardian to...whatever it is I am now, but only when my wings are not wounded.  It seems like this form is my 'regular' form, as I always Change to this form when I'm unconcious or sleeping, but I don't change to my Guardian form when I become unconcious in this form." I tried to explain to him, "I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense, but I've never had to explain it to anyone before."

"Are there more people like you?" Carlisle asked. 

"I don't know, I was adopted by a group of Guardians, and they've never really talked about how they found me.  I don't know much else about myself.  I'm actually trying to find out more about what I am."

"Would you like me to help you with that? I am a doctor, and I have some experience with peculiar supernatural cases.  I can't promise anything too drastic, but I can try." Carlisle said with a smile.  

"Then your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you." I smiled. 

"You could stay here a while, if you have no where else to go." Carlisle added. 

I thought about it a moment, and realized I didn't even know where I was, "Where are we?" I asked him.

"Just outside of Forks." he replied.

"Then if I wouldn't be too much trouble, I would be glad to stay here."

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