Chapter Three

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I could see my brother.  He was right in front of me, and he was saying something, but I couldn't hear him.  I tried to reach out to him, I tried to say I was coming for him, I could already feel myself waking up, and the harder I tried to stay asleep, the faster he faded away.  I kept my eyes closed as I woke completely, feeling too warm and comfortable to let Gaela, my roommate, know I was awake yet. I pulled the covers closer to me and felt a pain shoot through my right shoulder, and I remembered I was no longer with my fellow Guardians.  I had been shot. 

My eyes flew open and I threw the covers off myself.  I got up quickly, ignoring the pain in my shoulder, and my wing as I now realized, looking around and letting my wings drag behind me as I looked for an exit.  I tried to remember what happened after I was shot, but I couldn't.  I was fully awake now, and my imagination was running wild.  I could only assume I was in the home of the one who shot me, and I could see no good things coming of this predicament.  I spun around as I heard something break, and was frozen in place when my eyes met with a boy. 

Fear still nagged me from the back of my mind, but it was slowly pushed back by the safety I felt while I looked into this boys eyes.  He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, and I never wanted to look away. 

I did though, when I heard a voice call, "Seth, are you alright? I heard something break. Are you - " and a vampire walked into the room. 

I tensed all over when I saw him.  All my encounter with vampires have been unpleasant, and I didn't expect this to be any different. 

The beautiful boy that I assume is Seth saw this, and started walking toward me carefully, as if approaching a wild animal.  "It's alright," he said to me, "I don't think she's fond of you Carlisle," he said to the vampire. 

The vampire, Carlisle, stopped where he was and said, "I think she senses I'm a vampire." he said, looking at me, and I noticed that his eyes were the wrong colour of a vampire, they weren't red, they were golden, the same as my eyes. 

This prompted me to ask, "Are you a vampire? Your eyes are the wrong colour."

He chuckled, and that combined with Seth's close proximity to me allowed me to relax a little. "I'm what you would call a vegetarian vampire, I don't feed on human blood, only animal blood."

"I didn't know full vampires actually did that." I said to him, curiosity getting the better of me,"are there more of you?"

"Yes," he replied, sitting down, and motioning me to do the same.  I didn't sit until Seth did, but I picked the seat farthest from the vampire and closest to the door. "In fact I have a whole family of vegetarian vampires who all live here."

I turned to Seth, "But your not a vampire?"

"No, I'm a werewolf." he looked surprised at himself when he said this, and I realized i was still in my Guardian state, and people cannot lie around me.  I looked behind me at my rapidly healing wing, it almost didn't hurt at all anymore.

"Why is that a secret?" I asked him, and cursed myself for asking another question that he would be forced to answer.  I hated making people tell the truth around me.  I felt like it was an invasion of privacy, even if it was convinient sometimes.  Haziel felt it was a gift and a virtue, as people shouldn't lie in the first place.  I think there are some things that people have a right to keep to themselves. 

That look of confusion crossed his face once again and he said, "It's against the rules to tell outsiders about the pack.  I'm not sure why I'm able to tell you now."

"I'm sorry, it's one of the gifts of a Guardian.  One can only speak the truth around me." I said to him.

"So is that what you are? A Guardian?" asked Carlisle, and I turned my attention back to him. 

"Yes." I replied. 

"What is a Guardian?" asked Seth. 

"I'm not entirely sure," I replied, "and I'm not even a full Guardian." I don't know why I'm telling these two about myself, but I still felt oddly safe around Seth, so I continued.  "I don't -" I was cut off by a searing pain shooting through my spine, and everything went dark once again. 

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