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WHEN I TELL MY FRIENDS what I saw, their initial reactions mirror mine.

Benjamin's yelling and cheering during the football game restored some much needed colour to his face. Unfortunately, bringing up Terrence's cruel trick makes his features pale and drawn again. But I had to tell everyone. I don't keep anything from my friends.

"Impossible," Delaney snaps. "We searched everywhere."

"Not under the tank."

"Under it?" she asks. "We couldn't have. It was on a stage."

"Yeah, the stage was hollow, and there was a little compartment for the snake to go into."

"What the fu— oh," Delaney says, when she realises what we missed. She scowls, hating being wrong as much as I do. "Those fuckers should pay."

Leah reminds us, "They will pay. In the long run. Sophie couldn't get any evidence, remember? And I have a feeling Derek and Terrence used the last quarter, when everyone would be concentrated on the game, to get rid of everything. The stage, the tank, the rig."

"We'll win the war, if not all the battles." Drew nods, spreading his hands encouragingly. "Now can we finally enjoy the fair?"

"Yes," I laugh at the eager gleam in Drew's eye. "Yes, we can."

The five of us slip easily into the crowds of people leaving the football field, looking for stalls to catch our attention. Benjamin slows his long strides so that we can walk side by side. I've always known him as practical, logical, level-headed. He would be the last of us to let a snake encounter traumatise him. But I saw a different side to him tonight — afraid, uncertain and angry.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, my shoulder brushing against his forearm each time I take a step.

"I'm fine. The snake wasn't poisonous, particularly hostile or dangerous. Snakes don't even scare me," he reassures me. "I was actually really fascinated with them growing up."

"You seemed really freaked out when you saw it, though."

"Well, it was a bit of shock to see one in the tank with me. Had I met it in regular circumstances, I would have loved to see a snake up close." He smiles faintly. "Don't worry, Sophie. I'm fine. Just mortally pissed off at the Monarchy. Now, can we enjoy the rest of tonight? I swear, I saw a riddle stall that gives you prizes for every riddle you complete."


We all have to help carry the sweets, toys and shop coupons Benjamin — now glowing with pride and happiness — won at the riddle stall. After steadily making his way through their entire collection of riddles, Benjamin discovered that they also did trivia games.

It was an avalanche. He practically robbed the place.

"Dude, remind me to bring you next time my family does a quiz night." Drew laughs, while examining the DVDs and gift cards in his arms. Delaney is carrying board games and puzzles — the generally oblong-shaped prizes — in a neat stack. Leah has the soft toys and t-shirts. Me, I get to carry the giant orange bean bag.

"I think I might donate some of this stuff," Benjamin mumbles.

"No! Keep it, you earned it," Delaney shouts. "Or, if you decide to donate these prizes, might you first consider a poor, needy senior?"

"You're right," Benjamin says thoughtfully. "Drew? You need some decor for your games room?"

Delaney scowls while the rest of us laugh raucously. "I hate you, BJ."

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