Siren Lake

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So then, this book is almost finished just hopefully one more chapter before making a second book. Also for this second book if you want there to be something in the book (names, countries, supernatural stuff) just let me know by leaving a comment or sending me a message.

Ps feel free to vote and comment so I know people still may actually like this story ; 3 ; I'm so lonely without my readers.


Alex's POV

So since this piece of shit lake forces me to go past the town I thought 'oh hey, let's go get some information of this weird lake place' and you know what I find out... The place is called Siren Lake since it lures people into the water, then they drown...WHAT A GREAT STORY! IT MAKES ME FEEL ALL WARM AND FUZZY ON THE INSIDE!.

"Dr Woods, hi!" Calls a very annoying voice that makes me wish I never worked with this guy BECAUSE LOOK my favourite person, the sarcasm levels are through the roof, it's Doctor Kiss Ass. YAY IM SO HAPPY THAT IF YOU GAVE ME A ROPE RIGHT NOW, I WOULD HANG MYSELF! OH HAPPY THOUGHTS.

I groaned and turned to see Sir Kiss Ass smiling flirtatiously at me while trying to bite his lip and look 'sexy' which makes him look like a retarded little rat shit...

"What?" I asked annoyed while glaring daggers at Sir Rat Shit. Sadly he didn't know when to get the message that I didn't like him through that thick skull of his that I REALLY WANNA CRACK OPEN!.

"Oh I just wanted you to know that Mr Hopkins is getting tired of waiting and wishes for you to hurry up before his plan literally dies" he replies getting so close that his face is like one centimetre away from my face.


"How do you know him?..." I questioned suspiciously watching Kiss Ass smirk.

"Oh it just means that I work for him..." He replies shrugging...

WHAT?! How come I never know this kind of stuff...

"Ok listen kiss ass, tell him to fuck off, I'll do this at my own pace ok?" I say angrily.

"Fine, just go get the last orb and later we can have your finished..." He replies trying to sound sexy, but succeeding in sounding like a pack a day smoker.

Let gets this show on the rode...after I just accidentally cover kiss ass in petrol and just some how set him on fire...

It wasn't long before I started learning how to use the orbs powers. Using wind for flying earth for quick underground transportation but... It still took ages to arrive at the lake...which is terrifying in real life...bones everywhere... A nice crushed skull being watched up...

It was only slightly scary... I took off some clothes like my shirt, a jacket I took from a kind old man, that I may have knocked unconscious...and my shoes before walking into the lake and submerging myself I. The surprisingly warm water.

I found the entrance and entered but what I saw was shocking.

Zero...he was there...gently rubbing the surface of a orb that seemed to contained water that was so clear it may as well have been glass...

"Zero?..." I called out softly watching his gaze shift to me in horror... Why horror?... I walked to him slowly but stopped as he stepped away from me and infront of the orb blocking my path.

"Why?" He choked out, "why are you here? Are you the one taking the orbs?..." I saw his eyes become full of sorrow I reached forward grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug.

"Yes, for us... You wouldn't understand...there's a lab...hidden away...your father is there...he promised that we both could live in peace if I did me" I whispered as I grabbed the orb from behind him making him gasp in shock.

"ALEX!" He yelled and I did the only thing I could think of to stop him from attacking me or trying to stop me...I used the water orbs power...and froze him...

"Forgive me...I'll be back for you...we can finally have a happy life..." I placed my hand over the ice surrounding him then walked away...

What's gonna happen? ITSA MYSTERYYYY!

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