Meeting The Jackson Boys

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"Azalea Rikon get down here and help me get the rest of these boxes out of the truck!" Mom called at me from the bottom of the stairs. "Let me put down this box!" I called back to mom. Then I threw the box that was holding my pillows and blankets somewhere in my room and hurried to my mother.

I flew down the stairs and nearly ran into my mother at the bottom.

"Woah Azea. I didn't know that moving boxes was so exciting."

"I just want to hurry and get these boxes in. You know me, if I don't set up my room as soon as we get here I'll never get it out of boxes," I said trying to get out of moving boxes.

"Then I guess you better move fast," Mom said and turned down the hall. "Wait didn't you say I needed to help you? Not do all of the work by myself?" I called out after her.

"Sounds like a personal problem to me," she yelled over her shoulder. I glared at her back for a few moments before maneuvering through stacks of boxes to get to the front door.

Once I got outside I sighed when I saw how many more boxes there were. "Better get moving. No pun intended," I mumbled to myself.

I walked into the truck and pick up a box that says 'Fragile' on it. I had just got a good grip on it when an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"So you must be our new neighbor?"

I jumped nearly dropping my box. I swung around with the box still in hand to find a boy standing behind me.

"Who are you?" I asked narrowing my eyes. "Blaine Jackson. Also your next door neighbor," he said leaning against the truck smirking at me.

"Hi," I said flatly, while walking past him.

"What are you not going to tell me your name?"

I just met him but I already didn't like him. "I mean it's your lucky day. You get the privilege of meeting me," Blaine said, smiling. I walked into my kitchen and set the box down on the table and opened it.

I thought that Blaine had left when I didn't hear talking and I smiled. It didn't last long. "I mean if it's any consolation, you're pretty hot. And that means you should totally give me your number," he suggested.

I tried not to acknowledge his presence as I looked inside the box. Inside was my mom's fine china.
Paper plates.
"Of course you put this in the fragile box mom," I mumbled to myself.

"This is a pretty nice house. Even with the boxes a mile high." I whipped around to see that Blaine was gone. "Are you wandering around in my house?" I called looking into the hallway.

I looked left which went straight to the front door and I didn't see him. Then I moved my head to the right and saw a flash of movement.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to get past a stack of boxes without knocking them over. "Just checking the place out. I mean if I'm going to spend most of my time here I may as well figure the place out," he said.

"You are not coming over to my house like this." I finally reached where the hallway branched off. I saw Blaine rounding the corner of the stairs and started after him.

"Why not? I mean friends come over to each other's house," he said in a 'duh' voice. "Nice room. I love what you've done with the place. So many boxes."

I think he was trying to joke but I wasn't laughing. When I finally reached the top of the stairs I was out of breath.

"What's in this box? It's labeled clothes so may as well see what your style is," Blaine said, and I heard packing tape being ripped off. "Oh let's see." I heard him rummage around in some stuff and finally caught my breath so I entered my room.

She Has Red HairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora