Locker Rooms and Nice Abs

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After the initial shock of Raymond breaking his arm, the jokes came. Come Tuesday afternoon, they were still cracking jokes.

"Okay, okay, last one," Weston said, wiping tears from his eyes. We were waiting for the bell to ring and they were still going on.

"No! No more," I groaned. They would not let up.

"Oh come on Azea. It's fun," Mike said. I glared at him and leaned back in my chair.

"I need new friends." The boys laughed at that.

"I would be fine with that," Callum chimed in. I pursed my lips before reaching over and smacking his arm.

"You know you would miss Azea. I mean, you did kiss her," Weston pointed out.

"Yeah, you guys are practically married. You argue like it." Callum glared at the boys and my cheeks turned to the color of my hair.

"Azea and Callum sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N—ugh!" Callum hit Raymond in the gut. "Ow! Injured guy, sitting right here!"

I shook my head at the boys. "You boys are such children," I commented.

"Technically, those three are still children." Mike pointed to Blaine, Weston, and Raymond.

"We are men." He gestured to him and Callum.

"Hey, our birthday's in February. It's not that far," Blaine retorted.

"Last time I checked, it was a leap year last year," Callum retorted.

"Oh yeah, you guys are just babies." I remembered. The youngest three boys were born on February 29th. So they would be turning 4 1/2 years old, technically speaking. Their older brothers never let them hear the end of it.

"Don't join their side Azea! It's not our fault we were born on the 29th!" Weston argued.

"Yes it is! It's the baby's decision when to be born." I looked to Mike for conformation and he shrugged. Maybe I was correct.

"Okay, maybe it was our fault, but it was mostly Blaine's fault."

Blaine quickly sat up in his seat. "How is it my fault?" he asked.

"You were the one that decided to come at eleven o'clock in the afternoon."

Weston and Raymond gave him a look. "I hate you all." He glared at them and slumped in his seat.

"Whatever, let's change the subject." Mike looked at all of us. "Did anyone actually finish the project for Mrs. Hall yet? My partner and I barely finished the thesis." Everyone except Callum and I said the same thing.

"Surprisingly, we actually finished," I confessed. And I was proud of it.

"Already?" the boys asked, in unison. They were staring at us with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"Didn't you guys only meet once?" Weston asked.

"I did an outline on the information we needed and sent it to Callum. He then used it to write the paper." Callum nodded in agreement.

Weston opened his mouth to say something else but the bell rang before he could speak. The boys turned to face forward and I looked around the room, waiting for the teacher to step in.

My eyes fell on Blaine and he was still pouting from earlier. He was just like a girl sometimes, mood swings every few minutes.

Before I could look away, he glanced over at me and caught my eyes. He seemed to glare at me before looking up front again. I just rolled my eyes and tuned into Mr. Delgraso's speech.

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