Old Ladies and Mean Girls

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After admitting that I was losing badly and actually getting some work done Callum left to his job (he had gotten their car today, the rest of the boys were being dropped off to their work by their partners). And I headed over to Blaine's workplace, a daycare center.

I hopped out of my car and put sunglasses on before strolling inside. There I found something I never thought I would see in life.

Blaine was holding a baby in one arm, a toddler in the other, and then kids were piled on top of one leg to prevent him from walking. Never in my life did I think I would see Blaine with children.

"Well this is a surprising sight," I said walking over to the bunch. Blaine looked up surprised to hear my voice. "Is it five-thirty already? I'm sorry I didn't even check the clock," he apologized.

"It's fine," I said smiling at the sight. All the kids were looking at me and clinging on to Blaine's leg tightly.

"Okay kids, it's time to get off," he said looking down at the kids clinging to his leg. There was a chorus of no's and refusals. As Blaine tried to coax them off, I counted to see how many children there were. Four in total.

"I'll be back," I said to Blaine. Then I went to the car to grab what I needed.

When I came back inside the kids were still attached to Blaine. "Don't you have co-workers?" I asked looking around. "Stefanie is outside on her break." He used quotation marks around break. "What did you go to get?" Blaine asked. "This." I took out twelve dollars all in one dollar bills.

"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to give anything to kids that aren't yours at a public daycare," Blaine pointed out. "It's money, not food," I said shrugging.

Then I lowered myself down to the kids height and spoke. "I'll make you guys rich if you get off of Blaine's leg," I said in a quiet voice. I held up the twelve dollars and their eyes widened.

"Okay!" one of them squealed excitedly jumping off of Blaine. The others followed suit and I handed them each three dollars. After they had all received money they started talking excitedly to one another.

Then Blaine walked over and put the baby in a crib and the toddler in another.

"Even at a young age people will only do something for money." Blaine shook his head disapprovingly but he was smiling.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked him. "Hold on. I have to go get Stefanie."
"Okay, I'll wait in the car," I said heading to the front door.

When climbing into the car, I felt excited and nervous. I can't wait to make Blaine watch Mean Girls but I could wait on watching a scary movie.

I started the car engine and searched for a suitable station.

The Pulse? Nope, Justin Bieber is playing.
The Blend? Never mind, an artist I've never heard of is playing.

The next two stations I tried were the same results.

Pitbull Globalization? Who names a song 'The Ketchup Song'? Next.
Venus? A rap song I don't care for.
Hits 1? A new Daya song, finally something I will listen to.

By the time I had finally found a station Blaine still wasn't in the car. Looking around, I finally spotted him talking to an old lady with a large purse. The conversation didn't look too friendly.

He looked defensive, like he was waiting for her to attack him.

I got out of the car and walked over to them.

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