Night Time Talks

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I woke up wondering what time it was. I rolled over on my side and picked up my phone to check the time. It was only two in the morning. I groaned and rolled back over, trying to fall back asleep.

As I waited for sleep to overcome me I tried everything I could think off to go back to sleep. But nothing was working. I sighed and got out of bed. Whenever I woke up in the middle of the night I could never fall back asleep.

After pulling on a hoodie and pocketing my phone I opened the door and exited my room. I headed down to the kitchen and fixed myself some hot chocolate and went to the living and turned on the TV. Maybe this could help relax me back to sleep.

I hunted around Netflix for a little while before finally settling on a movie. Pressing play I wrapped myself into a blanket cocoon and settled down into a comfortable position on the couch. Then the opening scenes of Mean Girls 2 started to play.

One Meghan Martin and Jennifer Stone best friend movie later I was still wide awake. My body wanted to sleep but my mind was too abuzz. I sighed and turned off the TV before standing up with my blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

Stuffing my feet into a pair of flip flops, I opened the front door and walked on to the porch. There I found two over-stuffed bean bag chairs sitting on the porch. That was my mom's idea on lawn chairs.

I sat down on one of them and sighed snuggling into my blanket some more. It was a cool night but not cold enough that I actually needed the blanket. I just felt safer with it. Isn't it odd how hiding under a blanket makes you feel secure?

I thought about that for a few minutes hoping that it would bore me to sleep but that didn't work either.

I sighed and laid my head back on the bean bag. Soon I actually fell into a light sleep when I felt someone shake my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open and I woke up to see Blaine leaning over me. "Blaine? What are you doing in my house? What time is it?" I asked asked yawning.

"First of all I'm not in your house I'm on the porch. I couldn't sleep so I figured that I would take a walk around the neighborhood and I see you sleeping on your porch. And it is nearly four in the morning," he answered stepping back. I stretched out my legs and arms before speaking again.

"You couldn't sleep either?"

"Either? Who else couldn't sleep? Clearly not you, that bean bag must be pretty comfortable." Blaine gestured to what I was sitting on. "Haha. There's another one right there." I leaned over slightly and pulled the bean bag over.

"Don't mind if I do."

He plopped down on the bean bag and we just sat there quietly for a few moments. "So what are you doing that requires you sleeping outside on a bean bag?"

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. And let's just say that it took nearly two hours of Mean Girls 2 before I could fall asleep," I explained shortening the story.

"Oh no, not you too. Caroline loved that movie, I never watched it and I have no intentions to ever watch it," Blaine said crossing his arms.
"Who's Caroline?" I asked leaning my head backwards to see him.

I actually expected him to make some cocky remark about me being jealous or that I have nothing to worry about. "Just an ex-girlfriend" was all he said.

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