They Must Be Drunk

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I waited on the corner of Ramsey and Horton underneath the streetlight. It was ten o'clock, I still saw some stray joggers and dog walkers and greeted them when they passed. Callum wasn't there yet and I was starting to get cold.

I promise, if he stands—

"Red!" My thoughts were interrupted by Callum himself, who was jogging towards me with hands in his cardigan pockets. I can't lie, he looked good. He wore black jeans and a nice button down shirt with his cardigan. His blonde hair fell over part of his right eye, making him look even better. He hadn't stood me up.

"Thank God, you're here. I thought maybe you wouldn't show up," I said as he came up next to me. I pushed the thought of how good he looked far away. Callum put a hand to his chest like I had wounded him.

"I'm feeling very offended right now, Red. I was more worried you would stand me up." I gave him a look, like me standing him up was ridiculous. And it was, I'm not that mean.

"Whatever, Callum. Let's get to the party." He shrugged and started walking, me walking beside him. It was like that for a few minutes, just us walking silently.

"What's with the big trench coat, Red?" he suddenly asked. When I'd asked Callum what to wear to the party, he just said something nice but comfortable. I had put on a red, long-sleeved dress that stopped just before my knees, and black converse since I was told we'd be walking. Then I threw on the trench coat that went to my knees to cover up the dress.

"I thought it may be cold tonight," I lied. I just didn't want to wear the dress out in public, people may get the wrong impression. Callum nodded at my answer, accepting it, and we walked in silence. Then he broke it again.

"So, back in the state you came from—"
"So, back in Florida, what were the parties like?"

I expected the question, but I still didn't know how to answer it. How should I? Do I lie and say they're ok, but pretty tame? Do I tell the truth and say how crazy most of them are? I don't know.

"They're about what you would expect for Florida," I finally went with. I decided that I'd let him make his own assumptions.

Callum contemplated my answer for a minute or two. It was like he didn't know how to answer. Maybe he had an answer but he didn't want to offend me. Like if he said the parties sounded lame or they sounded too wild. God, I was over thinking this.

"Well, Florida is home to the spring break craziness so I'd assume they're pretty crazy. In a good way," he was quick to add the last part. Then he looked at me for confirmation.

I, again, was at a loss of what to say. I felt like whatever I said about the parties I've been to would determine what I would be like at this party. It was weird, but that's how I felt at the moment.

"They were pretty crazy," I confirmed. I'd decided to go with the truth. What was the point of hiding it?

"Does that mean that you'll be crazy at this party?" That's what the point is. I wasn't that kind of person anymore, at least I was trying not to be. This party could be the demise of that.

"Not necessarily, no. Really, it depends on if I drink or not."
"It's a party, you have to drink at least one cup, it's like high school law."
"High school law?"
"Yeah, the rules of high school parties."

I shook my head at his statement. High school law? That's ridiculous. There's nothing saying I have to drink at a high school party. Especially since we're all still underage and I'd rather not waste my third get of jail free card on that.

"Just a sip, Red. Live a little," Callum tried again. Why was he trying to get me to drink? Should I really be hanging around him if he does this? As if reading my mind, Callum spoke again. "Look, I'm not trying to be an influence or anything. I'm looking out for you. If you go to a party and act like drinking is bad, people start to talk." He paused and looked at me I see if I got what he was saying.

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